Phcbi MCO-230AICL-PE Скачать руководство пользователя страница 71





Likvidace použitých zařízení a baterií 

Jen pro státy Evropské unie a země s fungujícím systémem recyklace 

a zpracování odpadu. 

Tyto symboly na výrobcích, jejich obalech a v doprovodné 

dokumentaci  upozorňují  na  to,  že  se  použitá  elektrická  a 

elektronická zařízení, včetně baterií, nesmějí likvidovat jako 

běžný komunální odpad. 

Aby byla zajištěna správná likvidace a recyklace použitých 

výrobků  a  baterií,  odevzdávejte  je  v  souladu  s  národní 

legislativou na příslušných sběrných místech. 

Správnou  likvidací  přispějete  k  úspoře  cenných  přírodních 

zdrojů a předejdete možným negativním dopadům na lidské 

zdraví a životní prostředí. 

O další podrobnosti o sběru a recyklaci odpadu  požádejte 

místní úřady. 

Při nesprávné likvidaci tohoto druhu odpadu se vystavujete 

postihu podle národní legislativy. 

Poznámka k symbolu baterie (značka pod symbolem): 

Tento  symbol  může  být  použitý  v  kombinaci  s  chemickou 

značkou.  Takový  případ  je  souladu  s  požadavky  směrnice 

pro chemické látky. 

Vanhojen laitteiden ja paristojen hävittäminen 

Vain EU-jäsenmaille ja kierrätysjärjestelmää käyttäville maille 

Tämä symboli tuotteissa, pakkauksessa ja/tai asiakirjoissa 

tarkoittaa,  että  käytettyjä  sähköllä  toimivia  ja  elektronisia 

tuotteita ei saa laittaa yleisiin talousjätteisiin. 

Johda  vanhat  tuotteet  ja  käytetyt  paristot  käsittelyä, 

uusiointia  tai  kierrätystä  varten  vastaaviin  keräyspisteisiin 

laissa annettujen määräysten mukaisesti. 

Hävittämällä  tuotteet  asiaankuuluvasti,  autat  samalla 

suojaamaan  arvokkaita  luonnonvaroja  ja  estämään 

mahdollisia negatiivisia vaikutuksia ihmiseen ja luontoon. 

Lisätietoa  keräämisestä  ja  kierrätyksestä  saa  paikalliselta 

jätehuollosta vastuulliselta viranomaiselta. 






määräystenvastaisesta  hävittämisestä  voidaan  antaa 


Huomautus paristosymbolista (symboli alhaalla): 

Tämä symboli voidaan näyttää jonkin kemiallisen symbolin 

yhteydessä.  Siinä  tapauksessa  se  perustuu  vastaaviin 

direktiiveihin,  jotka  on  annettu  kyseessä  olevalle 


Eski Ekipman ve Bataryaların Tasfiyesi 

Sadece Avrupa Birliği ve geri dönüşüm sistemleri olan ülkeler için 

Ürünlerin,  ambalajın  ve/veya  ek  olarak  gelen  belgelerin 

üzerindeki bu semboller, elektrikli ve elektronik ürünlerin ve 

bataryaların  genel  ev  atıklarıyla  karıştırılmaması  gerektiği 

anlamına gelir. 

Eski  ürünlerin  ve  kullanılmış  bataryaların  doğru  şekilde 

işlenmesi,  geri  kazanımı  ve  geri  dönüşümü  için  lütfen 

bunları  ulusal  kanunlara  uygun  olan  toplama  noktalarına 


Bunları  doğru  şekilde  tasfiye  ederek  değerli  kaynakları 

kurtarmaya ve insan sağlığı ve çevre üzerinde oluşabilecek 

olumsuz etkileri önlemeye yardım edeceksiniz. 

Toplama  ve  geri  dönüşüm  hakkında  daha  fazla  bilgi  için 

lütfen bölgenizdeki belediye ile irtibat kurun. 

Bu atığın  yanlış şekilde tasfiye edilmesi durumunda ulusal 

kanunlar uyarınca cezalar verilebilir. 

Batarya sembolüne bakın (alttaki sembol):


Bu  sembol  bir  kimyasal  sembolü  ile  birlikte  kullanılmış 

olabilir. Bu durumda batarya, kullanılan kimyasal maddeye 

yönelik Direktif ile belirlenen şartı karşılıyordur. 

Entsorgung von Altgeräten und Batterien 

Nur für die Europäische Union und Länder mit Recyclingsystemen 

Dieses  Symbol,  auf  den  Produkten,  der  Verpackung 

und/oder  den  Begleitdokumenten,  bedeutet,  dass 

gebrauchte  elektrische  und  elektronische  Produkte  sowie 

Batterien  nicht  in  den  allgemeinen  Hausmüll  gegeben 

werden dürfen. 

Bitte führen Sie alte Produkte und verbrauchte Batterien zur 

Behandlung, Aufarbeitung bzw. zum Recycling gemäß den 





Sammelpunkten  zu.  Endnutzer  sind  in  Deutschland 

gesetzlich  zur  Rückgabe  von  Altbatterien  an  einer 

geeigneten Annahmestelle verpflichtet. Batterien können im 

Handelsgeschäft unentgeltlich zurückgegeben werden. 

Indem  Sie  diese  Produkte  und  Batterien  ordnungsgemäß 

entsorgen,  helfen  Sie  dabei,  wertvolle  Ressourcen  zu 

schützen  und  eventuelle  negative  Auswirkungen  auf  die 

menschliche Gesundheit und die Umwelt zu vermeiden. 

Für  mehr  Informationen  zu  Sammlung  und  Recycling, 














ordnungsgemäßer  Entsorgung  dieses  Abfalls  Strafgelder 

verhängt werden. 

Hinweis für das Batteriesymbol (Symbol unten):


Dieses Symbol kann in Kombination mit einem chemischen 

Symbol  abgebildet  sein.  In  diesem  Fall  erfolgt  dieses  auf 

Grund der Anforderungen derjenigen Richtlinien, die für die 

betreffende Chemikalie erlassen wurden. 

L’élimination des équipements et des batteries usagés 

Applicable  uniquement  dans  les  pays  membres  de  l’Union 

européenne et les pays disposant de systèmes de recyclage. 

Apposé  sur  le  produit  lui-même,  sur  son  emballage,  ou 

figurant  dans  la  documentation  qui  l’accompagne,  ce 

pictogramme indique que les piles, appareils électriques et 

électroniques  usagés,  doivent  être  séparées  des  ordures 


Afin  de  permettre  le  traitement,  la  valorisation  et  le 

recyclage  adéquats  des  piles  et  des  appareils  usagés, 

veuillez  les  porter  à  l’un  des  points  de  collecte  prévus, 

conformément à la législation nationale en vigueur. 

En  les  éliminant  conformément  à  la  réglementation  en 

vigueur,  vous  contribuez  à  éviter  le  gaspillage  de 

ressources précieuses ainsi qu’à protéger la santé humaine 

et l’environnement. 

Pour  de  plus  amples  renseignements  sur  la  collecte  et  le 

recyclage, veuillez vous renseigner auprès des collectivités 


Le non-respect de la réglementation relative à l’élimination 

des déchets est passible d’une peine d’amende. 

Note  relative  au  pictogramme  à  apposer  sur  les  piles 

(pictogramme du bas) : 

Si ce pictogramme est combiné avec un symbole chimique, 

il répond également aux exigences posées par la Directive 

relative au produit chimique concerné. 

Eliminación de Aparatos Viejos y de Pilas y Baterías   

Solamente para la Unión Europea y países con sistemas de reciclado. 

Estos  símbolos  en  los  productos,  su  embalaje  o  en  los 

documentos  que  los  acompañen  significan  que  los 

productos  eléctricos  y  electrónicos  y  pilas  y  baterías 

usadas no deben mezclarse con los residuos domésticos. 

Para el adecuado tratamiento, recuperación  y reciclaje de 

los productos viejos y pilas y baterías usadas llévelos a los 

puntos de recogida de acuerdo con su legislación nacional. 

En  España,  los  usuarios  están  obligados  a  entregar  las 

pilas  en  los  correspondientes  puntos  de  recogida.  En 

cualquier  caso,  la  entrega  por  los  usuarios  será  sin  coste 

alguno para éstos.El coste de la gestión medioambiental de 

los residuos de pilas, acumuladores y baterías está incluido 

en el precio de venta. 

Si los elimina correctamente ayudará a preservar valuosos 

recursos  y  evitará  potenciales  efectos  negativos  sobre  la 

salud de las personas y sobre el medio ambiente. 

Para  más  información  sobre  la  recogida  u  reciclaje,  por 

favor contacte con su ayuntamiento. 

Puede  haber  sanciones  por  una  incorrecta  eliminación  de 

este residuo, de acuerdo con la legislación nacional. 

Nota  para  el  símbolo  de  pilas  y  baterías  (símbolo 



Este símbolo puede usarse en combinación con el símbolo 

químico.  En  este  caso,  cumple  con  los  requisitos  de  la 

Directiva del producto químico indicado. 




















Содержание MCO-230AICL-PE

Страница 1: ...d the operating instructions carefully before using this product and keep the operating instructions for future use See page 77 for model numbers CO2 Incubator This product is for research use only No...

Страница 2: ...Filling the humidifying pan 25 FOR OPTIMAL CULTIVATION 26 Precautions for cultures 26 Preventing contamination 27 CORRECT OPERATION 28 BASIC OPERATION ON LCD TOUCH PANEL 29 Operation from Menu key 29...

Страница 3: ...IC LOCK OPTIONAL 55 Setting User ID 55 Setting auto lock 56 Using unlock key 58 Turning off auto lock 58 GAS AUTO CHANGER OPTIONAL 59 Connecting CO2 gas cylinders 59 Automatic CO2 gas supply line chan...

Страница 4: ...thout notice for improvement of performance or function Contact our sales representative or agent if any page of the operating instructions is lost or the page order is incorrect or if the instruction...

Страница 5: ...igns could result in injury to personnel and damage to the unit and associated property Symbols have the following meaning This symbol means caution This symbol means an action is prohibited This symb...

Страница 6: ...nts to corrode leading to leakage and or electric shock due to the deterioration of insulation resulting from corroded electrical components Do not place this unit in a location where it is difficult...

Страница 7: ...y the unit yourself A high voltage area is located inside the unit Any work carried out by an unauthorized personnel may result in electric shock Contact our sales representative or agent for maintena...

Страница 8: ...her electrical equipment Such power supply cord may cause fire or electric shock When using CO2 gas for control make sure that there is adequate ventilation Using CO2 gas in a small room without adequ...

Страница 9: ...nel Wear rubber gloves when handling the H2O2 reagent Direct contact with the H2O2 reagent may result in inflammation of the skin H2O2 decontamination can be performed only for the chamber and chamber...

Страница 10: ...njury Hazardous UV Light Interior The UV light is hazardous Never turn on the UV lamp without the cover Personal injury Gas Poisoning or Oxygen Deprivation Environment When using CO2 gas ensure there...

Страница 11: ...tes ON for a power switch Indicates OFF for a power switch ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS This equipment is designed to be safe at least under the following conditions based on the IEC 61010 1 Indoor use Al...

Страница 12: ...CO 170UVS is installed 2 When an optional electric lock MCO 170EL is installed 3 Type FG 7P or FG 7PL 19 Leveling feet Leveling Foot Handles When some inner attachments are removed When 13 is removed...

Страница 13: Prevents UV light entering the chamber 10 Humidifying pan Fill with sterile distilled water 11 Door switch Detects the door opening closing and stops the fan and electromagnetic valve for CO2 when...

Страница 14: ...CO2 density is displayed Nothing is displayed when CO2 density is set to 0 5 Set CO2 density value display field The set value of the chamber CO2 density is displayed Default setting 0 6 CO2 gas injec...

Страница 15: ...d 13 Message display field Alarms errors or messages are displayed when a fault occurs Refer to pages 64 66 Note When there are several errors the display shows the message number For example if there...

Страница 16: ...1 Behaviour of remote alarm when pressing Buzzer key Remote Alarm setting Refer to pages 35 36 Connecting terminal Normal condition Abnormal condition Including in the cases of power outage and of whe...

Страница 17: ...air Do not expose to direct sunlight Do not install near significant heat sources such as heaters boilers ovens or autoclaves Ensure ambient temperature is at least 5 C lower than set temperature Do...

Страница 18: ...y moisture Note Remove the cable tie around the power supply cord to prevent corrosion of the cord coating 2 Set up the humidifying pan and humidifying pan cover Fig 1 3 Install 4 trays Fig 2 4 Adjust...

Страница 19: ...ncubator use the stacking plate MCO 230SB Refer to Table 11 and 12 on page 75 When the incubator is not in use Empty the water from the humidifying pan and remove moisture from the chamber Make sure t...

Страница 20: ...fety valve will operate and there may be an explosive sound 3 After connecting the gas tube make sure that no gas is leaking ex by using a gas leak detector spray 4 Set the CO2 gas on the secondary si...

Страница 21: ...septic solutions with acid alkali or chlorine Doing so may cause discoloration corrosion or rusting Be careful to keep the diluted detergent or water out of the temperature sensor the CO2 gas injectio...

Страница 22: in the duct MCO 230AICUVL or when an optional UV system set MCO 170UVS is installed 1 Turn OFF the power to the incubator 2 Open the outer and inner doors and pull out all the trays Fig 1 3 Pull ou...

Страница 23: ...screws at the rear and lift out the duct Fig 5 7 Pull out the fan Fig 6 8 Remove the silicon caps for the access port from the interior Fig 7 and exterior Fig 8 Duct Silicon cap Fig 5 Fig 6 Fig 7 Fig...

Страница 24: ...the fan cover align the long hole of duct with the projection of the fan cover and push until it clicks into place Fig 3 The same applies for the humidifying pan cover Make sure that there is no space...

Страница 25: ...with water promptly when the volume of water decreases Mixing any reagent into the water for humidifying may have an adverse effect on the cultivation Do not add any reagent to the water when using t...

Страница 26: ...onfirm that the UV lamp is OFF if the MCO 230AICUVL or the optional MCO 170UVS is installed Be careful when closing the outer door Use the handle when closing the outer door Not doing so may cause inj...

Страница 27: ...ers or trays dirty when taking them in and out Keep the chamber clean Wipe off any fingerprints If water spills from the humidifying pan or if the doors are left open for a long time condensation may...

Страница 28: ...humidifying pan Refer to page 25 4 Connect the removable power supply cord to the port on the lower right side Note Two removable power supply cords are provided For UK For EU countries other than UK...

Страница 29: ...Lock screen Use this to set the key lock page 34 user ID password and optional Auto lock pages 55 58 Press Tools 1 to bring up the Tools 1 screen Use this to set alarms pages 35 36 set and operate the...

Страница 30: ...en mistakenly pressing the Temp Gas Calibration key causes the Temp Gas Calibration screen to be displayed When this screen is displayed use Back or Top to exit Changing the settings on this screen ma...

Страница 31: ...put box 1 Pressing a numerical input box causes the input window to be displayed 2 Press a numerical key or use the Up Down key to enter a numerical value Press OK Note In certain cases the Up Down ke...

Страница 32: ...e LCD touch panel functions can be turned on and off using a slide key To turn a function off hold the slide key and slide to the left to change the display to OFF Press Apply To turn a function on ho...

Страница 33: ...t is activated if the chamber temperature exceeds the temperature set Settable range 20 0 o C 53 0 o C factory setting 53 0 o C Notes When changing the set temperature from less than 45 0 o C to 45 0...

Страница 34: ...he optional auto lock function is ON to unlock the outer door see page 57 Go to the Key Lock screen Menu Lock KeyLock Set reset and confirm the password for the key lock Press Apply to turn the key lo...

Страница 35: the entered value The display returns to the Tools 1 screen Parameter settings Temp Alarm Activated when the chamber temperature varies from its set value entered here Settable range 1 0 o C 5 0...

Страница 36: ...te 99 minutes factory setting 30 minutes Note At Err01 CO2 gas cylinder empty Err11 and Err12 CO2 sensor error Err18 UV lamp failure and Door alarm the alarm is deactivated by pressing the Buzzer key...

Страница 37: ...nter the log interval Press Apply to save the entered value Settable range 2 minutes 30 minutes factory setting 6 minutes Note It is possible to register alphanumeric characters maximum 8 digits as th...

Страница 38: ...l 1 Go to the Log screen Menu Log Press Chart to display the Chart screen 2 Enter the date year month day of the operation log to be displayed 3 Press the variable to be displayed and press Show The g...

Страница 39: is displayed 6 Door Opening log graph is displayed Note Accurate to about 1 minute per month To Actual CO2 Level log To previous day To next day To Actual Temp log To Door Opening log To previous d...

Страница 40: ...o a USB memory device from the Top Screen 1 Insert the USB memory device into the USB port Note It is not possible to use a USB memory device with a security function that requires entering a password...

Страница 41: ...a warning notice is displayed Press OK and select a new period following procedures 3 and 4 5 When export is completed press OK and remove the USB memory device from the USB port Note Even after expor...

Страница 42: the Log screen Menu Log Press Alarm to display the Alarm screen 2 Alarm logs from the last 7 days including current day are displayed Note When the number of alarm logs exceed 6 pressing the top o...

Страница 43: ...orted file Alarm log data can also be exported to a USB memory device from the Top Screen 1 Insert the USB memory device in the USB port 2 Go to the Log screen Menu Log Press Alarm Export to display t...

Страница 44: ...completed press OK and remove the USB memory device from the USB port Note Even after export is completed log data saved in the incubator will not be deleted Note A log folder is created in the USB m...

Страница 45: ...ols 2 screen Menu Tools 2 Press Date Time to display the Date Time screen 2 Enter the present date and time Press Apply to save the entered value Notes 24 hour clock Accurate to about 1 minute per mon...

Страница 46: ...factory setting 80 Sleep Lowers brightness of the LCD touch panel to save electricity during periods of inactivity Sleep function is turned ON or OFF using the slide key Enter a value to set the time...

Страница 47: ...od Repeated opening and closing of the outer door may adversely affect the condensation in the chamber and the chamber temperature distribution because the UV lamp generates heat for a long time It ma...

Страница 48: ...nt disinfection When the UV timer is set at 0 the UV lamp does not light UV Life The total time for which the UV lamp has been lit is displayed as a percentage of the 5 000 hours before replacement is...

Страница 49: ...e CO2 density to 0 Refer to page 33 4 Go to the Tools 1 screen Menu Tools 1 Press UV Setting to display the UV Setting screen 5 Turn the UV 24h Mode to ON and press Apply 6 The UV lamp will now light...

Страница 50: ...k will remain ON After the power supply is restored the H2O2 gas resolution process will restart and finish automatically In this case repeat the decontamination process because the decontamination wi...

Страница 51: ...e trays included as accessories are designed to be appropriate for decontamination If half trays MCO 35ST optional or trays for previous models are used decontamination may not be sufficiently effecti...

Страница 52: ...system check starts automatically If an alarm or safety function is activated refer to Table 8 on page 66 14 If the system is normal the H2O2 Decontamination Step2 screen appears Press OK to start H2...

Страница 53: ...essing Abort decontamination will be stopped and the procedure jumps to Step7 resolution of H2O2 vapour Step7 is the process of resolving H2O2 vapour using the UV lamp Note Step5 and Step6 do not exis...

Страница 54: ...chamber Note After H2O2 decontamination replace the connector cap firmly over the connector on the side of the chamber Fig 4 Precautions when handling H2O2 reagent Observe the following precautions wh...

Страница 55: ...the Lock screen Menu Lock Press Auto Lock User to display the Auto Lock User screen 2 Enter desired User ID and password and confirm Press Add to register them Notes User ID The alphanumeric character...

Страница 56: ...the required setting Then press Apply Settings Auto Lock When Auto lock is ON the outer door is locked automatically when the set time has elapsed after the door is closed Settable range 1 minute 60...

Страница 57: ...the set time has elapsed In the User ID mode Press Unlock on the Top screen and enter the User ID and its password for Auto Lock Note The User ID entered at this time is saved as the open close state...

Страница 58: ...the outer door turn the unlock key in the direction of the lock while the outer door is open Then close the outer door Note The outer door can only be locked with the unlock key while the outer door i...

Страница 59: ...Top screen A light will show which CO2 gas supply line is being used see page 14 When the CO2 density level remains unchanged even though the CO2 gas valve in the unit is open the unit regards the cu...

Страница 60: ...B Empty Remaining Reverse video and blink Light on Err01 CO2 Gas Empty and buzzer 4 Buzzer is pressed B Empty Remaining Light off Light on 5 New cylinder A fitted B Remaining Remaining Light off Light...

Страница 61: ...ply line is then manually changed to an empty cylinder before the Buzzer key is pressed Table 3 Manual change from cylinder B to empty cylinder A Situation CO2 gas CO2 gas supply line indicator Messag...

Страница 62: ...roblem in keeping the standard gas cylinder connected after CO2 gas density calibration is completed 2 Go to the Tools 1 screen Menu Tools 1 Press STD Gas Setting to display the STD Gas Setting screen...

Страница 63: ...s normal the display goes from Step1 to Step2 6 Press OK to go to Step3 7 At Step3 CO2 gas density calibration starts The display proceeds automatically to Step5 8 After CO2 density calibration finish...

Страница 64: ...field Intermittent tone ON Chamber temperature sensor error The chamber temperature sensor is disconnected Err05 Temp Sensor Open is displayed in the message display field Intermittent tone ON Heater...

Страница 65: ...remote alarm is not cancelled ON ON OFF Alarm is not cancelled ON OFF OFF OFF Note Resolve the cause of the alarm as the alarm itself is not deactivated by pressing the Buzzer key Table 6 In cases of...

Страница 66: ...s displayed in the message display field Intermittent tone ON During power failure outer door is electrically locked After power is restored moves to UV resolution The outer door is open Err38 Door Lo...

Страница 67: ...the gas cylinder once a week A primary pressure reading of 3 8 MPa G 38 kgf cm2 G 551 psi G or lower is a sign that there is little gas remaining Replace the cylinder soon Is the incubator operating...

Страница 68: ...G 0 3 kgf cm2 G 1 kgf cm2 G 4 4 psi G 14 5 psi G Is the gas tube blocked Is the duct securely attached See page 24 Is the fan attached properly See page 24 UV lamp lights when the outer door is open...

Страница 69: ...of by qualified personnel only If the CO2 incubator is left where outsiders enter it may result unexpected accident for example children to become locked inside Before disposing the CO2 incubator with...

Страница 70: ...z s megakad lyozza az emberi eg szs g s a k rnyezet k rosod s t Amennyiben a begy jt ssel s jrafelhaszn l ssal kapcsolatban tov bbi k rd se lenne k rj k rdekl dj n a helyi nkorm nyzatn l E hullad kok...

Страница 71: ...gem den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen den zust ndigen Sammelpunkten zu Endnutzer sind in Deutschland gesetzlich zur R ckgabe von Altbatterien an einer geeigneten Annahmestelle verpflichtet Batterien k nne...

Страница 72: ...lmindeligt husholdningsaffald For korrekt behandling indsamling og genbrug af gamle produkter og batterier skal du tage dem til indsamlingssteder i overensstemmelse med den nationale lovgivning Ved at...

Страница 73: ...lpt u mee met het besparen van kostbare hulpbronnen en voorkomt u potenti le negatieve effecten op de volksgezondheid en het milieu Voor meer informatie over inzameling en recycling kunt u contact opn...

Страница 74: ...system heater jacket air jacket system Heater 345 W Humidifying system Natural evaporation with humidifying pan Temperature controller PID control system Temperature display Digital display CO2 contr...

Страница 75: ...ecifications are subject to change without notice Table 10 Optional accessories for each function MCO 230AICL MCO 230AICUVL To disinfect by UV UV system set MCO 170UVS standard equipment To decontamin...

Страница 76: ...5 R H 5 R H Applicable environmental condition Temperature 5 o C to 35 o C Humidity 80 R H max The optimum performance may not be obtained if the ambient temperature is not above 15 o C Noise level 25...

Страница 77: ...of the unit Unit interior No contamination Decontaminated Contaminated Others 3 Instructions for safe repair maintenance disposal of the unit a The unit is safe b There is some danger see below Proce...

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Страница 80: ...Printed in Indonesia LDCL055600 0 S0418 0 1 1 1 Sakada Oizumi machi Ora gun Gunma 370 0596 Japan PHC Corporation 2018...
