(Table 35, contd)
Troubleshooting Test Steps
6. Fuel Quality
A. Check the fuel quality. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
Adjusting, “Fuel Quality - Test”.
B. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual for information on
the proper characteristics of the fuel for the engine.
The fuel quality is not OK.
Drain the fuel system and replace the fuel filters. Refer
to the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel Sys-
tem Primary Filter (Water Separator) Element - Re-
place” and Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel
System Filter - Replace”.
Fill the fuel system with fuel that meets the standard in
the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fluid
Prime the fuel system. Refer to the Operation and Main-
tenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime”.
Verify that the procedure has eliminated the noise.
The fuel quality is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 7.
7. Valve Lash
Excessive valve lash will cause a change in the timing of the
opening and closing of the inlet and exhaust valves. Excessive
valve lash can cause a reduction of the flow of combustion air into
the engine. Reduced flow of combustion air will increase the fuel
consumption rate.
A. Check the valve lash. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
Adjusting, “Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust”.
Valve lash
The valve lash is excessive.
The hydraulic lifter will compensate for all normal wear
of the components of the valve train.
Repair or replace any excessively worn or damaged
components of the valve train.
The valve lash is correct.
Proceed to Test Step 8.
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