This procedure covers the following codes:
Table 77
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Circuit for the Injector Solenoids
Engine Injector Cylinder #01 : Current
Below Normal
These diagnostic codes are designed to indicate an open circuit (low current) in either the
solenoid or the wiring for the electronic unit injector in the applicable cylinder.
The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
A low current condition (open circuit) for the applicable cylinder for at least three attempts to
actuate the solenoid.
The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The engine will have low power and/or rough running.
An open circuit will prevent the operation of the electronic unit injector.
Engine Injector Cylinder #02 : Current
Below Normal
Engine Injector Cylinder #03 : Current
Below Normal
Engine Injector Cylinder #04 : Current
Below Normal
Engine Injector Cylinder #01 : Current
Above Normal
These diagnostic codes are designed to indicate a short circuit (high current) in either the
solenoid or the wiring for the electronic unit injector in the applicable cylinder.
The ECM detects the following conditions:
A high current condition (short circuit) for the applicable cylinder for at least five attempts to
actuate the solenoid.
The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The engine will have low power and/or rough running.
A short circuit will prevent the operation of the electronic unit injector.
Engine Injector Cylinder #02 : Current
Above Normal
Engine Injector Cylinder #03 : Current
Above Normal
Engine Injector Cylinder #04 : Current
Above Normal
Engine Injector Group 1 : Current
Above Normal
The ECM detects the following conditions:
A short circuit condition in the driver for injector 1 and injector 4.
The fault is present for at least five attempts to actuate the driver.
The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The engine will have low power and/or rough running. The engine may shut down.
A short circuit will prevent the operation of the two electronic unit injectors.
Engine Injector Group 1 : Not Re-
sponding Properly
The ECM is unable to actuate any of the injectors.
The engine will be derated.
The engine will shut down or the engine will be unable to start.
Engine Injector Group 2 : Current
Above Normal
The ECM detects the following conditions:
A short circuit condition in the driver for injector 2 and injector 3.
The fault is present for at least five attempts to actuate the driver.
The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The engine will have low power and/or rough running. The engine may shut down.
A short circuit will prevent the operation of the two electronic unit injectors.
An electrical fault can prevent the electronic unit
injector from operating. An open circuit or a short
circuit in the ECM that is unique to one electronic unit
injector will prevent that electronic unit injector from
operating. An open circuit or a short circuit in common
wiring within the ECM can prevent the two electronic
unit injectors that share that common wiring from
operating. Injector 1 and injector 4 share common
wiring within the ECM. Injector 2 and injector 3 share
common wiring within the ECM.
Perform this procedure under conditions that are
identical to the conditions that exist when the fault
occurs. Typically, faults with the injector solenoid
occur when the engine is warmed up and/or when the
engine is under vibration (heavy loads).
These engines have Electronic Unit Injectors (EUI).
The ECM sends a pulse to each injector solenoid.
The pulse is sent at the correct time and at the correct
duration for a given engine load and speed. The
solenoid is mounted on top of the fuel injector body.
This document has been printed from SPI2. NOT FOR RESALE