(Table 93, contd)
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Engine Temperature Sensors
Engine Exhaust Gas Tem-
perature : Voltage Above
The ECM detects the following conditions:
The signal from the exhaust gas temperature sensor is greater than 3.6 VDC for at least 1 second.
The battery voltage is at least 10 VDC.
While this code is active, the ECM will use the default value for the exhaust gas temperature. The de-
fault value is 350° C (662° F).
The engine will be derated.
Engine Exhaust Gas Tem-
perature : Voltage Below
The ECM detects that the signal from the exhaust gas temperature sensor is less than 0.46 VDC for at
least 1 second.
While this code is active, the ECM will use the default value for the exhaust gas temperature. The de-
fault value is 350° C (662° F).
The engine will be derated.
Engine Fuel Temperature 1 :
Voltage Above Normal
The ECM detects that the signal voltage for the fuel temperature sensor is greater than 4.9 VDC for at
least 0.5 seconds.
The ECM will use a default value for the fuel temperature while this code is active. The default value
will be based on the coolant temperature. If the coolant temperature sensor has an active fault, the de-
fault value for the fuel temperature is 40° C (104° F).
Engine Fuel Temperature 1 :
Voltage Below Normal
The ECM detects that the signal voltage for the fuel temperature sensor is less than 0.2 VDC for at
least 0.5 seconds.
The ECM will use a default value for the fuel temperature while this code is active. The default value
will be based on the coolant temperature. If the coolant temperature sensor has an active fault, the de-
fault value for the fuel temperature is 40° C (104° F).
Particulate Trap Intake Gas
Temperature : High - most
severe (3)
The ECM detects that the temperature signal from the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) inlet temperature
sensor is implausibly high.
The warning lamp will flash. The shutdown lamp will come on. The engine will be shut down.
Particulate Trap Intake Gas
Temperature : Voltage
Above Normal
The ECM detects that the signal voltage for the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) inlet temperature sensor
is greater than 3.6 VDC for at least 1 second.
The ECM will use the default value for the DPF inlet temperature while this code is active. The default
temperature is 100° C (212° F).
The engine will be derated.
Particulate Trap Intake Gas
Temperature : Voltage Below
The ECM detects that the signal voltage for the DPF inlet temperature sensor is less than 0.46 VDC for
at least 1 second.
The ECM will use the default value for the DPF inlet temperature while this code is active. The default
temperature is 100° C (212° F).
The engine will be derated.
Aftertreatment #1 Diesel Oxi-
dation Catalyst Intake Gas
Temperature : Voltage
Above Normal
The ECM detects that the signal voltage for the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) inlet temperature sen-
sor is greater than 3.6 VDC for at least 1 second.
The ECM will use the default value for the DOC inlet temperature sensor while this code is active. The
default value is 80° C (176° F).
Aftertreatment #1 Diesel Oxi-
dation Catalyst Intake Gas
Temperature : Voltage Below
The ECM detects that the signal voltage for the DOC inlet temperature sensor is less than 0.46 VDC
for at least 1 second.
The ECM will use the default value for the DOC inlet temperature sensor while this code is active. The
default value is 80° C (176° F).
This document has been printed from SPI2. NOT FOR RESALE