(Table 92, contd)
Troubleshooting Test Steps
4. Verify the Type of Active Diagnostic Code
A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait at least 10 sec-
onds for activation of the diagnostic codes.
B. Use the electronic service tool to check for active diagnostic
codes. Record all active diagnostic codes.
C. Determine if the fault is related to an open circuit diagnostic
code or a short circuit diagnostic code.
An XXXX-4 diagnostic code is active for one or more of
the pressure sensors at this time.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
An XXXX-3 diagnostic code is active for one or more of
the pressure sensors at this time.
Proceed to Test Step 7.
None of the preceding diagnostic codes are active.
An intermittent fault may exist.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect” in
order to identify intermittent faults.
5. Create An Open Circuit at the Sensor Connector
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
B. Disconnect the connector for the sensor with the XXXX-4
diagnostic code.
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait for at least 10
seconds for activation of the diagnostic codes.
D. Use the electronic service tool to check the
Active Diag-
nostic Code
screen. Check for an XXXX-3 diagnostic code
for the suspect sensor.
An XXXX-3 diagnostic code became active after dis-
connecting the sensor.
Temporarily connect a new sensor to the harness, but do not in-
stall the new sensor in the engine. Use the electronic service
tool in order to verify that the repair eliminates the fault and then
permanently install the new sensor.
If the fuel rail is replaced, use the electronic service tool to per-
form the
Rail Pressure Valve Learn Reset
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all logged diag-
nostic codes.
The XXXX-4 diagnostic code is still active with the sen-
sor disconnected.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
6. Create an Open Circuit at the ECM Connector
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
B. Disconnect the P2 connector from the ECM.
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait at least 30 sec-
onds for activation of the diagnostic codes.
Diagnostic codes for all of the engine sensors will be ac-
tive with the P2 connector disconnected. Ignore all other diag-
nostic codes and only look for codes relating to the suspect
D. Access the
Active Diagnostic Codes
screen on the elec-
tronic service tool and check for an active XXXX-3 diagnostic
code for the suspect sensor.
E. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
An XXXX-3 diagnostic code for the suspect sensor be-
came active after the P2 connector was disconnected.
The fault is in the wiring between the suspect sensor and the
P2 ECM connector.
Check all wiring between the suspect sensor and the ECM. Re-
fer to the appropriate Electrical Schematic.
Replace the faulty wiring.
Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged diagnostic co-
des and verify that the repair eliminates the fault.
The XXXX-4 diagnostic code for the suspect sensor is
still active with the P2 connector disconnected.
Proceed to Test Step 9.
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