Engines that are manufactured by Perkins are
certified with the fuel that is prescribed by the United
States Environmental Protection Agency . Engines
that are manufactured by Perkins are certified with
the fuel that is prescribed by the European
Certification. Perkins does not certify diesel engines
on any other fuel.
The owner and the operator of the engine has
the responsibility of using the fuel that is prescribed
by the EPA and other appropriate regulatory
Operating with fuels that do not meet the Perkins rec-
ommendations can cause the following effects: Start-
ing difficulty, poor combustion, deposits in the fuel
injectors, reduced service life of the fuel system, de-
posits in the combustion chamber and reduced serv-
ice life of the engine.
The Perkins 400F diesel engines must be operated
using Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel. The sulphur content of
this fuel must be lower than 15 PPM. This fuel
complies with the emissions regulations that are
prescribed by the Environmental Protection Agency
of the United States
The fuels that are listed in the table 21 are
acceptable to use on all 400F engines.
Table 21
Acceptable Fuel Specification for the 400F Engines
Fuel Specification
European Automotive Diesel Fuel (DERV)
“North American Light Distillate Diesel fuel with less than 15 PPM sulfur
“North American Middle Distillate general purpose Diesel fuel with less
than 15 PPM sulfur level”
JIS K2204
“Japanese Diesel Fuel” Must meet the requirements that are stated in
the section “Lubricity”.
BS 2869 or equivalent
“EU Off Road Diesel fuel. Acceptable from 2011 MUST have less than
10 PPM sulfur level”
All the fuels must comply with the specification in the table for the Perkins Specification Distillate Diesel Fuel .
Diesel Fuel Characteristics
Cetane Number
Fuel that has a high cetane number will give a shorter
ignition delay. A high cetane number will produce a
better ignition quality. Cetane numbers are derived for
fuels against proportions of cetane and
heptamethylnonane in the standard CFR engine.
Refer to ISO 5165 for the test method.
Cetane numbers in excess of 45 are normally
expected from current diesel fuel. However, a cetane
number of 40 may be experienced in some territories.
The United States of America is one of the territories
that can have a low cetane value. A minimum cetane
value of 40 is required during average starting
conditions. A fuel with higher cetane number is
recommended for operations at high altitudes or in
cold-weather operations.
Fuel with a low cetane number can be the root cause
of problems during a cold start.
Refill Capacities
Fluid Recommendations