The Setup Single Cell Peltier window will be shown. Set parameters according to the
experiment conditions.
Temperature Control
Temperature (°C): Enter the preset temperature for the experiment.
Starting the temperature of experiment needs to be set up in the method window.
Return to temperature (°C): Enter the returning temperature after the experiment is finished.
Error Range (°C)
Enter the temperature tolerance between the sampling temperature and monitored
temperature. The measurement will start when the temperature tolerance reaches within the
set Error Range.
Example: Set the starting temperature as 20°C and error range as 1°C then, the monitoring
temperature is set as the temperature of cell block. In this case, the measurement will start
when the temperature of the cell block reaches between 19°C and 21°C.
When selecting probe for Monitor in Collect Temperature box, the slower the real heating speed may be,
the smaller the set Error range (°C) is.
Collect Temperature
a. Monitor: Select which temperature will be monitored in the display panel.
- Block: The temperature of Cell Block
- Probe 1: The temperature of Probe 1
- Probe 2: The temaperature of Probe 2
Example: If Block is selected, measurement will start when the temperature of the cell block
reaches the setting temperature.
Temperature Display
Select which temperature will be displayed on the panel: Block, Probe 1 or Probe 2.
The selected temperature is only displayed in real time.