Chapter 4 Installing the V1553B
V1553B UserÕs Manual
The outer case of the twin-axial connector (similar to a BNC plug, but with two internal pins)
must remain isolated from the front panel of the V1553B module. Therefore, please do not remove
the isolation washers fitted to the V1553BÕs socket or add clips or covers/caps, etc. which
may be connected together and thereby cause risk of ground loops and increased/unwanted noise.
If necessary, the existing modules should be moved to suit new layout needs recognizing that the V1553B may be
fitted into any desired VMEbus slot except the one which is reserved for the system controller (VMEbus CPU).
4.2 Chronological Installation Procedure
Inspect the 96 way VMEbus Interface connector for clean straight pins.
Check the desired jumper settings.
Ensure all power is off, including that to the other devices connected to the 1553 bus.
Choose the desired slot for the V1553B and if necessary, reposition the other modules.
Place the PCB into the card guides for the desired slot.
Push the module into position carefully. Once the insertion force of the 96 way
VMEbus connector has been overcome, the front panel securing screws can be tightened.
Now connect the MIL-STD-1553 interfaces to the front panel connector. Noting that
Port B is the upper most on the front panel.
Restore power only when all the modules are correctly fitted and all external
have been correctly made.
Removing the V1553B (or any other VME boards) is virtually the reverse procedure, where it is especially
important to remember when removing any module with on-board connectors, e.g. VSBC-4, VM42, VSCSI, etc.
to only pull the module out enough to be able to disconnect these connectors, otherwise damage to the system
leads and even the modules connectors may result.
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© 1996 PEP Modular Computers
June 22, 1998