V1553B UserÕs Manual
MIL-STD-1553 Interface Module
for the VMEbus
User's Manual
Publication No. 12961
Issue 1
Unpacking and Special Handling Instructions
This PepCard product has been carefully designed for a long and a fault-free life; however, its life expectancy can be
drastically reduced or even diminished to none by improper treatment at the unpacking or first-use stage.
We therefore ask you to read this manual carefully before unpacking the module or fitting it into your VMEbus or
IIOC/Eurobus system.
If the product contains primary or secondary batteries for RTC or memory back-up purposes, extra care is required not
to place the board on conductive surfaces; including anti-static plastic or sponge, which can cause shorts and lead to
damage to the batteries or the tracks on the board.
Further, please do not exceed the operational temperature ranges given in the specifications for the board version you
ordered. Where batteries are present, their temperature restrictions must also be taken into account.
When fitting the board into a system, remove all power by turning off the power mains. Do not disconnect the mains
however, since grounds connection prevents chassis floating with static voltages, which could damage the board as you
push it home.
Keep all of the original packaging material for future storage or warranty shipments of the board. If it is necessary to
store or ship the board, please repack the board in the same way it was originally packaged.
We wish you, your application, and your PepCard a long and successful life. We are certain that if you take the time
to read through this manual first, you will most probably save yourself time and aggravation later.
June 22, 1998
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