Pentium Third Serial Port Installation
CTC Parker Automation
6. Restart the PowerStation.
You must restart the PowerStation for the changes to
take effect.
Recalibrating the Touchscreen
After reconfiguring the touchscreen, you must also recalibrate it.
You can calibrate the touchscreen in MS-DOS mode from the
MachineShop Shell or under Windows 95, 98, or NT. If you use
both DOS and Windows operating systems, you must recalibrate
the touchscreen in both DOS and Windows. Instructions for both
procedures follow.
Recalibrating the Touchscreen under
The MachineShop Shell comes with a calibration utility that you
can use to calibrate the touchscreen in MS-DOS mode. The cali-
bration utility requires a keyboard and involves calibrating the
touchscreen for text and for graphics.
To calibrate the touchscreen, complete the following steps:
1. On the MachineShop Shell main menu, press the Settings but-
The Settings submenu will appear as shown below.