4.7 Function of MEASURE screen
Aim at the reference point and press [ENT] to view
the MEASURE screen.
Press the [F1][MEAS] to measure and display the
Press [F2][SAVE] to save the measured data.
Press [F3][ME/SAVE] to measure and save the measured data.
No survey data is saved when no PN is input.
Press [F4][EDIT] to edit the PN, Point Name, PH,
Prism Height and PC, Point Code.
Press [ENT] to view each input window by pressing
up or down arrow key, and input your desired point
name or prism height or point code.
Press [F5][ACCEPT] if the current PN, PH and PC
are acceptable.
PC, Point Code:
Press [ENT] to view and input the PC, Point code, screen.
If PointCode exists, you can easily select them from the list or edit one of them after pressing
the [ENT].For using Point Code List, please refer to“5.4.1 Point Code”.
Press [F5][PAGE] to view another menu.
Station point setup can be changed by pressing