Every salt system needs maintenance during use, the following describes the
recommended maintenance procedures.
Weekly service
pH Level Test:
7.4 to 7.6, although 7.2 to 7.8 is an acceptable range under
APSP’s guidelines.
Never use dry acid (sodium bisulfate) to adjust pH in arid geographic
areas with
excessive evaporation and minimal dilution of pool water with
fresh water. A buildup of
byproducts can damage the CFICGEN.
Total Alkalinity Test:
Test the pool water for total alkalinity with a reliable
test method. Adjust according to your pool professional’s recommendations.
APSP’s recommended ideal range for total alkalinity is 80 to 120 ppm.
Chlorine Test:
Test the pool waters free chlorine level with a reliable test
method. Maintain ideal range by adjusting CFICGEN Sanitize Output
settings. See “MIN”, “MAX”. Desired Free Chlorine is 2.0-4.0 ppm.
Above 4.0 ppm of chlorine may cause excessive corrosion of metal
components and
possibly cause damage to associated pool equipment.
Monthly Service
To ensure that the correct chemical balance is maintained in your pool, it is
important to perform the following recommended salt and pool water tests
every month using a reliable test method.
Adjust the salinity according to the LED warning and LED DISPLAY.
Test the salinity: By pressing the Salinity button to view the reading,
or taking a sample of the pool water to your local pool store for testing.
Cyanuric Acid: Sample the pool water and test for cyanuric acid level
using a reliable test method. When using the CFICGEN the
recommended ideal cyanuric acid level is 30-50 ppm.
Calcium Hardness:
Test pool water for calcium hardness level using a
reliable test method. If necessary, adjust according to your pool
professional’s recommendations. APSP’s recommended ideal range
for calcium is 200 to 400 ppm for pools.
Metals Test:
It is recommended that the pool water be sampled and
tested periodically for the presence of metals such as copper, iron, and