IMPORTANT! Use of an external Pool Pump Timer is Required
The CFICGEN is designed to supply a sufficient amount of chlorine to
sanitize the pool water daily. If the pool pump is continuously running 24
HOURS and the CFICGEN is operated at 100%, too much chlorine
would be generated than would be needed by most pools (2-4 ppm). The
CFICGEN has an own internal timer built-in, which cycles the
electrolytic cell on and off depending on what percent the Sanitizer
Output is set. For instance, at 100% the cell works all the time while the
pool pump is running. When set at 80%, the cell is allowed to rest 20% of
the time while the pool pump is running and prolong cell life. In order to
fine tune the CFICGEN to your pool size just increase or decrease the
Sanitizer Output from 10% to 100% of the time.
The CFICGEN is designed to only produce chlorine. The
CFICGEN does not monitor or control chlorine levels in the pool or spa
water. It is the pool owner’s responsibility for monitoring and
maintaining free chlorine levels at 2.0 to 4.0 parts per million (ppm)
according to APSP recommendations. It is the pool owner’s responsibility
to check the free chlorine level while the pool pump is running on a
regular basis and adjust the Sanitizer Output on the CFICGEN
Start-up Procedure (Super Chlorination)
Super Chlorination is recommended before pool start-up.
Super Chlorination should start with clear, chlorinated pool water.
The CFICGEN will build up a sufficient level of chlorine for sanitation in
several hours. The CFICGEN will not be able to produce enough chlorine
to reach breakpoint chlorination. It is better to use super chlorination at
the time of pool start-up until the chlorine level has returned to 2.0 to 4.0
before switching on the CFICGEN.
Output Settings and Adjustments
Chlorine output is shown by LED DISPLAY, before working, there will
be 1/2 minutes self-checking the salt level. If the salt level is in the normal
range it will begin working, if not, adjust accordingly to the warning
showed on the LED-display.