IO&M Manual
Paragon Controls Incorporated
Revision Level 000
If an operating range value is entered outside of the allowable minimum/maximum range, the operating
range will be set to the maximum value if the new operating range is higher and set to the minimum if
the new operating range is lower
Standard Density
Some manufacturers include standard density in their fan coefficients, sometimes referred to as F
factor. The MTSE is able to remove this standard density term so that actual airflow measurement can
be calculated with density correction. When this field is set to Incld. in the MTSE, this means that
standard density is included in the manufacturer-supplied fan coefficient and therefore the MTSE
removes standard density for airflow calculations. This is not to be confused with correction to standard
flow or velocity; that selection is made in Units and Precision, see Section 5.2.8. This is solely for
convenience in the different ways fan manufacturers present their fan coefficients.
5.2.2. K-Factor
The K-Factor menu is used to make corrections to the display and output values to account for system
effects. The K-Factor menu can be used to correct the MTSE values from zero to entered Operating
Range value as compared to a reference flow value such as a balancer. This page shows a Current
Live Value as seen by the MTSE, and boxes for direct entry of a Balancer Measurement, MTSE
Measurement, or manual K-Factor entry for all three Systems. The K-Factor page is shown below.
Navigate to this menu from the Main Screen by pressing
Setup » 2. K-Factor
The K-Factor calculation can be done internally by the MTSE itself. This is done by entering the MTSE
Measurement as seen on the display at the time of the balancer’s reading and the Balancer
Measurement in the boxes for the system needing correction. Pressing the Calculate K-Factor button
will then calculate the percent change and store the new K-Factor Value. For reference, a current live
reading of flow or velocity measurement are displayed on this page.
Alternatively, if the user knows the percent change required to match the balancer’s reading, the K-
Factor can be entered directly by pressing the K-Factor box for that system and entering the desired
value in the popup keypad.
The K-Factor has a limit of 0.5 and 2.0. If values are required outside these limits troubleshooting
should be conducted to determine the device is configured correctly and that there are no problems
with installation, such as kinked or leaking signal tubing.