Fatigue Technology Inc.
401 Andover Park East
Seattle, WA • USA 98188-7605
Tel: (206)246-2010
Fax: (206)244-9886
49050-REV M
Fatigue Technology Inc. (FTI) is a world-leading aerospace engineering and manufacturing company. FTI
pioneered cold expansion technology (which provides solutions to fatigue problems associated with holes in metal
structures) back in 1969 and has advanced this science to develop innovative bushing and fastener products. These
proprietary products and associated tooling may be covered by patents or agreements owned by, or exclusively
licensed to Fatigue Technology Inc. Use of tooling procured from other than a licensed source may constitute
patent infringement.
The detailed tooling information in this manual was compiled and written by FTI. The tooling was designed
specifically for use with FTI’s Cold Expansion Systems. FTI cannot be held responsible for damage or injury as a
result of operating this equipment if it is used for other than the process intended, with any other tooling not
provided by FTI, or not used in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual. To avoid personal
injury, please observe all safety precautions and instructions. If you have any questions about the use or
serviceability of this equipment, please contact our Sales Department.
FTI’s Cold Expansion systems and processes are the subject matter of one or more of the following patents:
4,809,420; 4,885,829; 4,934,170; 5,083,363; 5,096,349; 5,103,548; 5,127,254; 5,129,253; 5,218,854; 5,245,743;
5,305,627; 5,341,559; 5,380,136; 5,405,228; 5,433,100; 5,468,104; 6,077,010; 6,183,180; 6,487,767; 6,792,657;
6,990,722; 7,024,908; 1,061,276; 513,898; 692015124; 581,385; 69310828; 468,598; 69105390; 643,231;
69414946; 696,686; 785,366; 1032769; and other patents pending. These systems and processes are tooling critical
and must be performed in accordance with FTI’s specifications or controlling documents. To ensure proper results
from FTI’s cold expansion systems and to be licensed to use FTI’s patented processes, it is essential that FTI’s
complete integrated system of tooling be purchased and utilized. The use of tooling purchased from other than a
licensed supplier could jeopardize fatigue life enhancement and may constitute patent infringement.
FTI reserves the right to change the specifications or configurations of tooling detailed in this manual as part of its
ongoing technical and product information program. Should inconsistencies occur between your tooling and this
manual, please contact our Sales Department.
Fatigue Technology Inc. (FTI) has provided innovative solutions to the aerospace industry since 1969. Our
products are used worldwide to reduce manufacturing and maintenance flow time and costs.
The FTI staff of professionals provides a full range of support services including:
Application engineering
Detailed project planning, implementation, and management
On-site assistance, including training and tool room setup
The Sales Department is always available to assist with special fatigue enhancement requirements. Please contact
FTI with questions at any time.