Fatigue Technology Inc.
401 Andover Park East
Seattle, WA • USA 98188-7605
Tel: (206)246-2010
Fax: (206)244-9886
49050-REV M
It is suggested that an automatic air line oiler/filter be installed as close to the pump as possible. Set oiler to
feed 1 to 3 drops per minute into the system. Use No. 10 SAE non-detergent oil. NOTE: An oiler package
(including gage, filter, lubricator, and fittings) is NOT included with the FT-20 but is available from FTI.
Please contact our Sales Department for details.
CAUTION: Set the FT-20 PowerPak on a level surface. If the surface is out of plane, there is a risk of the
FT-20 PowerPak unit vibrating off the surface.
1. The PowerPak is an air-driven hydraulic unit and can be activated only when connected to a FTI puller unit or
remote trigger as described in Section 3.1.
2. Activate the FT-20 by depressing the trigger on the handle of the puller unit. An air logic valve opens, allowing
the main air supply into the air motor which drives the hydraulic pump. Hydraulic pressure is transmitted
through the hose to the cylinder of the puller unit, which then retracts the hydraulic piston.
3. Releasing the trigger allows the air logic valve to shift and air pressure in the puller unit barrel returns the puller
piston to the start position.
4. If actuation fails to take place, the trigger response valve may need to be adjusted. This is done by loosening
the brass nut on the trigger response valve. Connect the pump main air supply and the puller unit. Then, with
the puller unit trigger depressed, adjust the pilot screw in (clockwise) or out (counterclockwise). Turning the
pilot screw in makes the trigger more sensitive, while adjusting it out makes it less sensitive. Once the desired
sensitivity is achieved, retighten the brass nut. Different puller units may require this valve to be readjusted.