How to find your lost pet.
You can check the current location of your pet whenever you want by sending this
simple SMS command.
* SMS command to The PATmicro:
* Reply:
Date Time Speed (Km/h) Direction,+114.11977&%z=14
Then either:
click on the link and if you have a suitable phone that can connect to the web a map
will open on your phone with the location plotted or
enter the co-ordinates (
onto Google mobile maps on your
phone or
enter the co-ordinates into Google maps/earth or any mapping software on your
PC/Laptop or
at the PawTrax website
Important note when viewing maps on a PC – recent changes by Google can
sometimes result in Google maps 'snapping' to the nearest point of
interest/road name/house number rather than the actual location of the
In order to work around this please enter the prefix loc: in front of the co-
ordinates in the search box. (loc: +22.36600,+114.11977)
There may be times when The PATmicro sends back location co-ordinates and the
time/date stamp displays 00/00/0000 , 00:00:00.
This indicates that it was unable to get a location fix at the time of request and it has
returned its last know position