Wrap another piece of twine around the fa\y part of the legs a
couple of Bmes and Be securely.
Use another piece of twine to wrap around the breast area to hold
the wings in close to the body of the chicken.
Insert the pointed end of the spit in to the spit mount hole in the
pressure oven, then rest the back of the spit on the stainless groove
Close the handle on the door, select roast funcBon, select the rolling
fork bu\on, then select the pressure roast funcBon. Set the
temperature to 465 degrees and set Bmer for 35 minutes for a 4-5-
pound chicken. Always make sure the crumb tray is in place before
pressing start.
Once the cook Bme is complete, remove the roBsserie rod using the
roBsserie removal tool by placing it under the roBsserie and liding
How to Prepare Your RoFsserie for other
Fowl and Roasts
The meat needs to be placed on a spit so that it is centered and
evenly balanced. It must also be held in place so it does not move
around as it is cooking.
Slide the spit rod through the middle of the protein and out the
bo\om end. Place the protein so that it is in the center of the rod.
Keep the rod running through the center of the protein and a\ach
the roBsserie spit forks into the end. Once in place secure the forks
on the spit by Bghtening the wing nut.
Then a\ach the spit forks at the other end in the same manner.
When the forks are a\ached, the rod should be centered through the
protein so that it is evenly balanced. It is important for the protein to
be balanced so that it rotates smoothly on the roBsserie unit.