Gas Fired Boiler
Technical Service 1.877.728.5351
Revised: March 15, 2021
Released: March 15, 2021
Patterson-Kelley 2021
All Rights Reserved.
2701000090 P-K SOLIS NURO Installation and
Owners Manual (Rev A).docx
Page 48
The boiler is furnished with a high gas pressure switch, installed near the boiler’s main gas
shutoff/control valve. The operation of this switch must be checked as follows:
1. Before starting the boiler, close the downstream gas cock located inside the boiler’s enclosure.
2. Cycle the boiler on by generating a heat request.
3. Allow the boiler to proceed through prepurge and attempt ignition.
When the main gas shutoff/control valve opens to attempt ignition, the high gas pressure switch will trip,
causing the NURO touchscreen to display 10011:
“High Gas Limit”
. Even after re-opening the
downstream gas cock inside the boiler, 10011:
“High Gas Limit”
will remain on the NURO display until
the boiler is manually reset by pressing “Reset Control”.
3.11 Fuel/Air Adjustments
The P-K SOLIS™ boilers are equipped with a gas/air ratio control valve and a gas safety shut off
control valve, combined into one valve assembly. The valve functions in series with the variable speed
combustion blower to supply the correct gas/air mixture for optimum firing performance and efficiency.
The combustion blower speed is controlled automatically by the boiler controller. The blower speed
determines the amount of air flow and the amount of suction/negative pressure at the gas valves. The
gas valve adjusts gas flow to maintain the proper delivery pressure at the outlet of the valve.
Make sure to re-open the downstream gas cock (inside the boiler) after a successful test.
SL-2500 & SL-3000
SL-1500 & SL-2000
Gas Valve