Parker Pro Display 10 Instruction Book
7.1. Mounting the module
Pro Display has two alternative mounting methods that are presented on next chapters:
Panel mounting
Swivel mount (RAM ball)
7.1.1. Assembly surface conciderations
Mount the device on to a smooth and flat surface. Device fastening to an uneven surface
will stress the enclosure or damage the outer flange. Fastening on a rough or uneven
surface will affect the sealing.
7.2. Dashboard or panel assembly
7.2.1. Panel assembly
Pro Display 10 can be assembled to vehicle dashboard, to separate panel in vehicle
cabin, or for example to cabinet door in installations where exists separate electrification
cabinet. Currently Pro Display 10 has no dedicated panel mounting kits available due to
the fact that the panel thickness can vary depending on assembly surface and customer
Following guidelines shall be taking into consideration in such case that Pro Display 10
will be mounted to panel or dashboard:
A. Use gasket between device flange and panel cut-out edges to ensure adequate
sealing for the installation location and prevent device to vibrate in assembly
location during operation.
B. Prepare and attach electrical connections to Pro Display 10 before closing the
cut-out with the device. Take into account the module mounting depth 46,2 mm +
needed space for connectors installation behind the Pro Display 10.
C. Place the device to panel cutout and push the device lightly / ensure its stability
to panel cutout edge.
D. Consider suitable support points for the possible bracket / fixing device in the
backside of the installation panel to get the device to settle down evenly into the
panel installation cut-out
E. Fasten mounting bracket with screws from the backside of the assembly surface-
use four mounting points in Pro Display 10 device to fix your bracket. Note the
guidelines for screw lenghtness below:
a. Use only existing mounting points of Pro Display 10 to fix the unit for
example with separate fixing bracket to panel
b. The mounting points are blind holes with a maximum thread depth of 7,5
c. If the spacer is not used the screw length should be 6 mm. *
7. Mounting