Parker EME
C3 ServoManager
120102N23 2016-04
This short reference guide does contain only the basic information; for more
detailed information please refer to the Help-files of the individual Compax3
device types.
Compax3 - Download page:
Here you find the Compax3 ServoManager, Firmware, Field Bus Files, Targets and
Application examples.
After the installation of the ServoManager you can copy the desired Online help
system with the "C3 ServoManager Help Installer" (you can select the C3 device
type as well as the desired language) to your PC. The help system can be called
up directly from the ServoManager. You will find the complete description of the
selected device type in these online help files.
Please note that the help files are associated with defined device and software
Status of the Manuals:
Help and PDFs are updated simultaneously. In case of doubt the HTML help
shows the actual state in comparison to PDF edition.
For additional HTLM help please refer to our website.
C3 ServoManager
PC requirements
Minimum requirements:
Operating system:
MS Windows XP SP3 / MS Vista (32 Bit) / Windows 7 (32 Bit / 64 Bit)
MS Internet Explorer 8.x or higher
Intel / AMD Multi core processor >=2GHz
User :
>= 1024MB
Hard disk:
>= 20GB available memory
Resolution 1024x768 or higher
Graphics card:
on onboard graphics (for performance reasons)
USB 2.0
For the installation of the software you need administrator authorization on the
target computer.
Your PC is connected with Compax3 via a RS232 cable (SSK1).
Start the Compax3 ServoManager and make the setting for the selected interface
in the "
Options Communication settings RS232/RS485..."
In the menu tree under device selection you can read the device type of the
connected device (Online Device Identification) or select a device type (Device
Selection Wizard).
Then you can double click on "Configuration" to start the configuration wizard. The
wizard will lead you through all input windows of the configuration.
1. Notes on the Documents Supplied
Compax 3 - short
reference guide
Online help system
between PC and
Device Selection