(See wiring examples on page 3/4 & 7)
1. Isolate all power. Make sure the vehicle power is off when installing camera and monitor system.
2. Camera positions. Check position of cameras for ideal view before mounting. (See page 7)
3. Vehicles with CANBUS lighting systems. (
See wiring example on page 3
) The CANBUS system
may see the monitor and camera as extra power drain and may react to this by reducing the voltage on
the circuit they have been connected to. This can then case an adverse effect of the camera and monitor.
You may see interference, lines or no image, often only seen when engine is running. (When engine is
off, but ignition is on the CANBUS does not always react the same way and the monitor and camera may
work correctly. Check system with both engine off and engine on).
Any connection to the vehicle should be on a isolated circuit, either by using a relay (not always
guaranteed to work on CANBUS Systems) or ideally use a PSPK5 (12v on ignition from CANBUS) you
should avoid powering monitors and cameras directly from the reverse lighting circuit.
The PSPK4 offers 12v out on reverse and is also a useful product to use in the wiring of vehicle monitors
and cameras requiring only power on, on reverse.
The PSKP4 and PSPK5 are 1 Amp rated so it recommended to use the PSPK modules to trigger a relay if
you plan to use more than 1 Amp, most monitor and camera systems will exceed 1 Amp.
NOTE: It is recommended you do not cut any CANBUS wiring and you check with manufactures warranty
first before attaching any aftermarket products to the existing CANBUS wiring system.PSPK4 and PSPK5
are designed to work with CANBUS circuits.
4. Using the monitor trigger. If it is a single camera and monitor install you do not need to use the
monitor trigger.
If you want the monitor and camera on all the time wire monitor and camera to ignition.
The monitor trigger is only typically used if you have more than one camera, ie. Side camera and reverse
camera. Side camera on all time, Reverse camera only selected when reversing (Use trigger for reverse
Note: Some models of Parksafe monitors will only show parking gridlines if the trigger is used.
5. Connectors and cable joints. Make sure all external joints are sealed. Ideally seal any joints with self
amalgamating tape this is to prevent any moisture travelling inside the cable into the camera and
causing moisture ingress issues.
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