1: Introduction
Javelin Stamp Manual v1.1
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Javelin Stamp Integrated Development Environment (Javelin Stamp IDE) offers the features
that you would commonly expect from a source-level debugger:
Multiple breakpoints
Stack backtrace
Inspection of all variables and objects, both static and dynamically allocated
Single-step, run, stop, reset
Built-in bi-directional serial message terminal for
type debugging
The Javelin Stamp IDE is introduced in Chapter 2, and then discussed in more detail in
Chapter 5. This IDE makes real-time debugging so easy that a PC emulator is completely
unnecessary. It is just as easy to develop and debug on the Javelin module itself.
The Javelin Stamp firmware supports a variety of Virtual Peripherals (VPs). The VPs are
separated into two separate categories, foreground and background. The background
processes allow you to create UARTs, pulse trains, and a timer. Once created, background
VP objects run independently from the program. Since time-sensitive tasks are taken care of
by the VPs in the background, designs that used to be difficult become easy. For example,
serial communication does not stop just because the Javelin is measuring the duration of an
incoming pulse. The programmer simply needs to periodically check the serial buffer in the
foreground code. Below is a list of background and foreground VPs.
Background VPs
UART (Full duplex, HW flow control, buffered)
32-bit Timer
1-bit DAC
Delta/Sigma ADC
Foreground VPs
Pulse count
Pulse width measurement
Pulse generation
RC Timer
SPI master