October 1997
A common bus at the rear of the HotWire 8800 DSL Access System chassis connecting
each DSL card to the MCC card for diagnostic and network management. It also
distributes dc power to each slot.
The physical building where the Class 5 switch is located and local telephone service
wiring is collected from a surrounding area.
The rack mounting that contains an interface panel, fan module, and 20 slots: 1 MCC card
slot and 18 DSL card slots. The chassis is also known as an enclosure or shelf.
The rate at which data flows from the central office platform RADSL port to Remote
Termination Units (RTUs).
Digital Subscriber Line.
A circuit card that contains four DSL modem ports.
Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer.
Electronic Industries Association.
A component in the chassis that cools the circuit cards in the chassis.
A plate that covers unused slots in the chassis. A slot that does not contain an MCC card
or DSL card must be covered by a filler plate.
A plug-in module located at the bottom of the chassis. This module provides all cabling
access to the chassis. It also provides redundant power and load sharing functionality.
The front panel of the Interface Module. The – 48Vdc terminal block and interface
connectors are accessible from this front panel.
The TCP/IP standard protocol that defines the IP as a unit of information passed across an
Internet and provides the basis for packet delivery service. IP includes the ICMP control
and error message protocol as an integral part. The entire protocol suite is often referred
to as TCP/IP because TCP and IP are the two most fundamental protocols.
Internet Protocol Address. A 32-bit address assigned to a host on a TCP/IP network. The
address has a host component and a network component.
Local Area Network.
Light-emitting diode. A light or status indicator on the chassis and the card faceplates that
glows in response to the presence of a certain condition (e.g., a fan alarm).
The set of variables a gateway running SNMP maintains. Standard, minimal MIBs have
been defined, and vendors often have private enterprise MIBs. In theory, any SNMP
manager can talk to any SNMP agent with a properly defined MIB. MIB-II refers to an
extended management database that contains variables not shared by SNMP.
Management Communications Controller card. The MCC card is a powerful processor
card that works in conjunction with an SNMP network management system, such as DCE
Manager for HP OpenView, to gather operational status for each of the DSL cards in the
MIB Release 2 is the current Internet-standard MIB.
Central Office (CO)
Downstream Data
DSL Card
Fan Module
Filler Plate
Interface Module
Interface Panel
Internet Protocol (IP)
IP Address
Information Base
MCC Card