A zone belonging to a “common area” is a zone that
is armed only when both systems are armed, and
disarmed if “System A” or “System B” is disarmed.
Once zones have been assigned to either "System
A" or "System B", code definition, also programmed
by the installer, determines which access codes can
arm "System A" zones, as well as which codes can
arm "System B" zones. Codes can also be given
access to both systems. When the "
" light is on,
entering a code that can access both systems will
arm both "System A" and "System B”. The [
] and
] keys will flash
, indicating the panel's armed
status. Entering this code when the panel is armed
will disarm both systems.
To arm/disarm each system separately:
Press [
] + a valid access code to arm/disarm
"System A". (Valid access code = "System A" code,
or code with access to both systems.) When the
] key flashes
, this indicates System A's armed
Press [
] + a valid access code to arm/disarm
"System B". (Valid access code = "System B" code, or
code with access to both systems.) When the [
key flashes
, this indicates System B's armed status.
On control panel models 728, 728 EXPRESS and
738 EXPRESS using software versions 2.1X
onward, keys indicated will not flash, but will be con-
stantly illuminated.
"System A" codes can stop sirens coming
from "System B" zones (and vice versa), but
will not disarm a system that is in alarm.
Pressing key [10] activates "one key" full arming.
(When partitioning is enabled, System "A" and "B"
will be armed when key [10] is pressed.) Pressing
key [
/11] activates "one key" “Stay arming”.
(When partitioning is enabled, System "A" is armed
by pressing key [
PS1 Bedside remote module
Pressing any one of the three keys of this module will
arm or disarm the system in "Stay" mode (when par-
titioning is not activated). Please note that if the sys-
tem is in entry delay or if an alarm is in progress, for
your protection, the panel can only be disarmed from
a keypad. Pressing any two PS1 keys simultaneous-
ly will generate a panic alarm. Your installer can also
adjust the PS1's illumination level and mute the
buzzer as required.
Alarm Memory
The memory light [
] on your keypad will illumi-
nate if any alarm situations take place while your sys-
tem is armed. A record of all alarm situations that
occur is stored in memory. After disarming the sys-
tem, pressing once on the [
] key brings up the
zones that were open during the last alarm period.