Can I submerge my TV?
No, our TVs are weather-proof, submersion is not covered in our warranty.
Can I send high definition wireless?
Pantel’s wireless is used as a convenience, and sends standard definition, to fully utilize
the capabilities of your Pantel TV, hardwire into one of the many inputs the Pantel TV
How can I secure my TV?
There are various solutions for this ranging from wired alarm systems, to Pantel locking
Can I put my TV in direct Sunlight?
Yes, your TV was designed to withstand direct sunlight. For the most optimal conditions
you would want to have it facing away from the sun, but it can take limited direct
Can my TV handle rain, snow etc?
Yes, your Pantel TV is designed to be left outdoors year round. We do however
recommend a Pantel TV Cover, for aesthetic reasons, to keep the TV clean and free from
water spots.
How far can I send my wireless?
Your wireless range depends on the materials that the signal is being sent through. If
the transmitter is set to go through one wall,(depending on material it is made out of)
you should have an uninterrupted signal up to 150 ft. As more walls and denser
materials are used, the range should lower as well. Optimal conditions would be direct
line of sight.
How can I get the best picture quality on my television?
We recommend using high quality HDMI cords connected to a high definition source to
fully capture all of your Pantel TV’s capabilities.