Configuration and Management Interfaces
Enable REST API Authentication
Enables or disables REST authentication when using the AT-OME-MS52W API. Click this check box to enable the
Enable CORS
Check this box to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). This allows the AT-OME-MS52W to connect with
certain servers. CORS is a method which allows restricted resources on a web page to be requested from another
domain. Resources can include stylesheets (CSS), scripts, and other embedded elements.
Click this button to upload the latest MCU firmware to the AT-OME-MS52W. Refer to
for more information.
Allow Maintenance Window
Check this box to enable maintenance mode. This feature can only be enabled if the local time has been set.
Refer to
Setting the System Date and Time (page 24)
for more information. When enabled, the system will
automatically restart all of its processes at 3:30 PM, every day.