7.5 Peripheral
IR Light IR
You can directly set the mode of IR light if the device is equipped with IR light.
Figure 7-46
It is to set IR light mode according to the actual scene.
When the “Mode” is set as “Manual”, it can manually set the brightness of “Near light” and “Far
light”; the system will realize light compensation to the image according to the IR light intensity.
When the “Mode” is set as “Zoomprio”, the system can auto adjust the IR light according to the
brightness change of the actual scene.
The system will enable near light by priority when the actual scene becomes dark, the system
will enable the far light when the near light fails to meet the requirement of scene brightness
even if it is adjusted to the brightest.
The system will adjust far light brightness by priority to off and then adjust the brightness of
near light when the actual scene becomes bright. The system will always disable far light
when the focal length of the lens is adjusted to a certain wide angle, which is to avoid near
overexposure. Meanwhile, it can manually set light compensation by “IR Compensation” to
slightly adjust the brightness of IR light.
Click “Save” and complete the config of IR light.