Troubleshooting (Q&A)
Cannot start the application.
Characters etc. are not properly
Installation of the necessary modules may not be completed, so please restart the PC.
Check the display resolution setting, and use a display setting that is 1024x768 or higher.
Also, if the text font size is set to a value higher than the default 100 %, the font size must be
reduced or the display setting must be changed to an even higher resolution.
Application startup is slow.
Startup may be slow on PCs that are not connected to the Internet. Check whether the PC can
connect to the Internet.
Uploading to YouTube or Facebook
cannot be performed properly.
Confirm that the login information (user name, e-mail address and password) is correct.
Confirm that the PC is connected to the Internet.
Confirm that anti-virus software or a firewall, etc., is not blocking access to YouTube/Facebook.
Check the YouTube or Facebook site.
Cannot change the account on the
Facebook login screen.
Try to delete the cookies (login information) in Internet Explorer. Refer to the Help files in
Internet Explorer for details on how to delete cookies.
When the date that the recording of
motion picture started and ended is a
different date, which will become the
“recording date”?
The date that the recording of the motion picture started will become the “recording date”.
A message regarding insufficient
memory is displayed.
A message regarding insufficient memory may be displayed when handling large volumes
of motion pictures or still pictures. In this case, install more memory (the problem may be
corrected by increasing the virtual memory). Please contact the PC manufacturer on how to
install more memory or how to increase the virtual memory.
Thumbnail display is slow.
Defragmenting the drive that contains the file may improve the performance.