5.11 Analog Scaling Setting
This setting is used to set optional two points as the upper limit value and the lower limit value
for performing two-point correction on the analog output before data is output.
Set the measured value A (A.SCA) as the lower limit value and the measured value B (B.SCB)
as the upper limit value.
The analog output measurement range is between 200 mm and 3,300 mm.
Analog voltage output (0 V to 5 V)
For the analog voltage output, set the measured value that outputs 0 V and the value that
outputs 5 V and adjust the analog voltage output slope.
● The output value for the analog output that is outside the measurement range is a fixed value.
Less than 200 mm: 0 V
More than 3,300 mm: 5.2 V
● When the analog output is within the measurement range, the output value is limited to 5.1 V
and any value exceeding this value is not output.
Analog current output (4 mA to 20 mA)
For the analog current output, set the measured value that outputs 4 mA and the value that
outputs 20 mA and adjust the analog current output slope.
5.11 Analog Scaling Setting
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