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Aquarea is a range of unvented hot water storage cylinders, manufactured in the latest
high quality duplex stainless steel. They are designed to provide mains pressure hot
water and are supplied as a package which complies with Section G3 of the Building
Regulations. The appliance is extremely well insulated using high density HCFC free
foam insulation with an ozone depleting potential (ODP) of zero and a global warming
potential (GWP) of 1. It is fitted with all necessary safety devices and supplied with all
the necessary control devices to make installation on site as easy as possible.
The Aquarea Duo product is an unvented cylinder and buffer tank combined in one
case. It has been specifically designed to work with a heat pump source of heat.
The 70 litre buffer tank lowers the number of times the heat pump needs to switch
on and off. This extends the life of the compressor in the heat pump. It also enables a
constant flow rate to be maintained through the heat pump heat exchanged which
promotes its efficient operation.
The buffer is fixed above the 200 or 300 litre hot water cylinder. Both of these hot
water cylinders include a 3m
highly efficient multi-pass corrugated stainless steel
heat exchanger, and an immersion heater for backup and sterilisation purposes. The
multi pass arrangement of the coil enables high flow rates to be passed through it
with low pressure losses. The immersion heater is usually controlled by the heat pump
control system which determines when it needs to run based upon the parameters
selected by the commissioning engineer.
The product is supplied with; a full divert 3 port valve as the energy cut off and the
PTRV which will prevent any overheating of the DHW cylinder; and the usual inlet
control group and expansion cylinder components required for unvented systems.
Important notes:
1. All Aquarea Duo cylinders are suitable for both open vented and sealed primary
systems. Minimum 5m H
O working pressure.
2. When used with a sealed primary heating system, the heat pump must incorporate
its own over heat thermostat.
3. Aquarea Duo cylinders must not be used with solid fuel boilers or steam as the
heat source.
4. Heat pumps can normally only heat the domestic hot water to between 45
– 50/60°C. The Aquarea heat pump remote controller will operate a cylinder
sterilisation on a weekly basis. See heat pump manual for further details.
5. The cold supply elbow c/w drain tapping must be fitted. A flexible hose can then
be connected to the drain tapping and providing the hose runs below the lowest
level of the cylinder, then all the water content can be drained out by the symphonic
action. Please refer to the drain down procedure on page 17.