Section 363-719-100
December 18, 1996
Revision 03
Page 20
PairGain Engineering - Plant Series
PG-Flex FCS-719
To connect the HDSL lines (Figure 5):
Connect the HDSL Pair #1 onto wire-wrap pins HDSL_T1_n (Tip) and HDSL_R1_ n (Ring)
on the COT shelf, where n is 1 for System 1, 2 for System 2, 3 for System 3, and 4 for
System 4.
Connect the HDSL Pair #2 onto wire-wrap pins HDSL_T2 _n (Tip) and HDSL_R2 _n
(Ring) on the COT shelf, where n is 1 for System 1, 2 for System 2, 3 for System 3, and 4
for System 4.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each system being installed.
Figure 5. Connecting the HDSL Lines