Theremax 9
( ) C21
10uF 10V
( ) C26
10uF 10V
listed below:
1uF 10V
( ) C23
( ) C32
( ) C35
( ) C36
( ) C38
( ) C29
4.7uF 10V
Three types of diodes are used in Theremax,
five 1N914 / 4148 silicon signal diodes in small
transparent glass cases, one zener diode also in a
small transparent case and four 1N34A germanium
diodes in slightly larger transparent cases.
When you receive your kit, these parts will be
separately packed. Do not remove them from their
packing until you’re ready to install them; if they
get mixed up you will have a hard time sorting them
back into types.
Diodes are polarized and must be installed
so that the lead on the banded end of the part
corresponds to the banded end of the designator
on the circuit board. Bend the leads so they are
at right angles to the body of the part and insert
them through the holes provided in the circuit board.
Diodes are also somewhat heat sensitive
so the soldering operation should be done
as quickly as possible.
( ) D1
8.2V 400 mW. Zener Diode (1N959B)
listed below:
1N34A or 1N270 Germanium Diodes
( ) D3
( ) D5
( ) D7
( ) D9