10 Theremax
listed below:
1N914 or 1N4148 Silicon Diode
( ) D10
( ) D11
( ) D12
( ) D13
( ) D14
Of all the parts, the ICs are the most easily
damaged and should be treated with some respect.
In particular, they may be destroyed by discharges
of static electricity. Modern ICs are not nearly
as sensitive to this kind of damage as were earlier
versions, but it is still good practice to handle
these parts as little as possible. Also good
practice: don’t wear nylon during assembly. Don’t
shuffle around on the carpet immediately before
assembly (or if you do, touch a lamp or something
to make sure you’re discharged). Don’t be
intimidated. It’s rare for parts to be damaged this
ICs are polarized in one or both of two ways; A dot
formed into the case of the IC corresponding to
pin 1 or a semicircular notch that indicates the
end of the package with pin 1. Take care that this
polarizing indicator corresponds to the similar
indicator on the circuit board graphics.
The pins of the ICs may be splayed somewhat
and not match up exactly with the holes in the circuit
board. Carefully re-form the leads if necessary so
that they are at right angles to the part. Solder
each IC in place as it is installed by initially
soldering two pins in diagonal corners of the
pattern. Make sure that the part is seated firmly
against the pc board by pressing it down while re-
melting the solder joint at first one corner, then
the other. Finally, solder the remaining
( ) IC1
LM339 Quad Comparator
( ) IC2
748 OpAmp