Theremax 17
( ) Begin Case assembly by attaching the end panels to the front and
back panels using the eight #6 X 1" Flat Head wood screws provided.
The Front Panel is designed to be completely symmetrical and can
be mounted with either surface to the front and either edge to the top.
The Back panel is not symmetrical and must be mounted with the
curved edge up and the curve facing into the box. Use a little wood glue
where the front and back panels butt up against the end panels.
( ) Before the glue has had a chance to set, temporarily Install the aluminum
bottom plate using ten of the #4 X 3/8" self-tap screws supplied. The
bottom will hold the box square while the glue dries, so take particular
care that it is square before fastening in place. Notice that the "finished"
outside to this part will be covered with a protective vinyl coating that should
be stripped away. Drill pilot holes for the screws with a 1/16" bit, or by pressing
an awl or icepick into the wood. Be very careful not to strip out the holes for
the bottom plate screws. They will be fully tightened later.
Once the glue has fully set, remove the bottom plate and apply a finish
to the case. For a pleasing contemporary blond finish, try several coats of
Tung Oil. Allow previous coats to be absorbed by the wood fully before
applying the next and keep adding coats until there is a pleasing depth to
the finish. For a darker case use oak or walnut colored Wood Stain.
Usually a single coat will do. For a matte or glossy appearance when using
stains, apply the appropriate clear finishing coat. Do not mix Tung Oil and Stain
finishes. Allow the finish to dry or set up completely before proceeding.
( ) Attach the Control Panel to the rear of the case Front Panel using the
remaining six #4 X 3/8" self-tap screws. As with the bottom plate, use a
1/16" drill, awl or icepick to make pilot holes for the screws. Check the
alignment of the panel from the front to make sure that it is centered in the
opening before securing the screws. (see Fig 5)
Locate the Wall Mount Power Supply (P1).
If this part has a connector on the end of its
cable, remove and discard it as shown.
Notice that one of the two wires will be
marked with a colored stripe. A note with the
Power Supply will tell whether this stripe
marks the (+) or (-) lead.
( ) Pass the power supply cord from the outside of the case
through the hole in the lower edge of the back. Tie a knot
in the cord so that about 9" of the cord extends into the case.
Separate the two wires from the loose end back to the knot.