12 Theremax
RG-174/U coaxial cable is used to make shielded
connections between the circuit board and the
antennae. Make two equal length cable sections by
cutting the single piece supplied in half. Prepare the
ends of the two pieces as follows:
Strip 1/2" of the outer insulation at
each end to expose the braided
shield beneath it.
Unbraid the shield by "combing"
it with the dull edge of a knife
blade or a ball-point pen. This
will expose the separately
insulated inner conductor.
On one end, trim the braid off flush
with the outer insulation. On the other
end, pull the strands of shield to one side
and twist them together. Tin this pigtail
by melting a small amount of solder into it.
On each end, strip about 3/16" of
the insulation from the inner
conductor and twist and tin the
exposed strands.
Using the pieces of co-ax prepared above, solder the
inner conductor and shield to the circuit board points
listed in the following steps.
Cable #1
( ) (inner)
( ) (shield)
Cable #2
( ) (inner)
( ) (shield)