metals different thermal expansion. The decreasing of the quality of the contact means
a decreasing of the motor voltage. Further more it means an overheating of contact
parts and a loosing of the seal between the plastic case and the contact itself. The
consequence might be a gas leak out of control.
Keep the batteries clean using a dry cloth, so that not to generate current dispersion
and lack of insulation.
The vehicle in case of prolonged storage.
Either Lead acid and Nickel-Zinc batteries, as described above, prefer a high state
of charge. Also in this situation it is recommended to recharge the batteries completely
before keeping the vehicle unused for some time. In case of prolonged periods of time
it is advisable to eliminate all the loads/absorptions by disconnecting, if possible, the
battery after recharging it. In case the vehicle is kept unused for more than one month
it is advisable to recharge it using the internal battery charger.
If this procedure is not respected, irreversible damages might occur to the batteries.
WARNING: Ni-Zn LEPTON can recover its initial performance by making a
series of repeated charges and discharges (circa 10).
Never mix different types of batteries.
This means that if a module is defective it is necessary to replace the whole battery
This recommendation is due to the fact that the batteries are charged in series; this
means that the battery charger is piloted by the total tension of the battery and not by
the tension of the single module; the deriving risk is to have some modules
overcharged and some other in phase of recharge thus causing a great unbalance in
the battery. Thinking of the modules as connected in series, you can imagine the
battery as a chain composed of as many rings as the elettrochemical elements (6 in a
battery of 12 Volt). The charge supported by the chain is that of its weakest element.
The same is for the battery, the performance is piloted by the weakest element.
Each of the batteries composing a pack is marked by a progressive serial number.