Before leaving the factory, every OVAL product is thoroughly inspected and tested and is shipped in first-
class condition. When received, it should be carefully inspected for any indication of rough handling during
transit. In this section, instructions necessary for handling this instrument are described. Make yourself
familiar with these instructions. As for other instructions, refer to respective sections.
If you have something to inquire, contact the nearest OVAL authorized service station in your district.
1.1 Confirming the Nameplate
OVAL batch controllers are individually adjusted to the
customer specification.
Make sure, by comparing the model code and ratings
stated on the nameplate or tag attached to the top of
the housing against the GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS
(page 30) and PRODUCT CODE EXPLANATION (page
31), that the product you received conforms to the
specification in your order.
When you inquire, please specify the product name,
model No., serial No., ratings, and other pertinent
1.2 Transportation Considerations
(1) The batch controller should be transported and stored in the same package used for transportation
from our factory if circumstances permit.
(2) Avoid giving impact shocks to the batch controller during transportation.
1.3 Storage Considerations
If the batch controller upon receipt is to be stored for extended periods of time before installation,
unexpected problems could arise. In a case like this, the following considerations should be taken:
(1) The batch controller can best be stored in the original package used for transit from the factory.
(2) Select a storage location that meets the following requirements:
Free from rainwater and moisture
Least vibration and impact shock
In the room temperature and humidity environment (around 25°C and 65% R.H.)
(product tag)
Terminal Identification label
Fig. 1.1 Location of Nameplate
(product tag)
Terminal Identification label
Fig. 1.1 Location of Nameplate