The Outlaws’ Guide to the Marantz AV7005
SEL on-screen menu and the navigation pad to pick the input. A second option is to use
the input source select buttons, pressing the desired button twice in a row (once to set
the universal remote to control the device and once to change the AV7005’s input).
Lastly, we can use the input selector knob on the front panel of the AV7005 to scroll
through the inputs.
If you connected an RX101 to the M-XPort for use with a Bluetooth audio source such
as a computer, the M-XPort input works the same as the other sources we’ve described
above. Once you select the input “M-XPort” the AV7005 will play whatever audio the
Bluetooth device transmits to the RX101.
USB Sources
As our home theaters have evolved, they have begun to merge more and more with our
home computers. One way in which that has happened is through support for playback
of computer media such as audio files or image files. The AV7005 offers a front panel
USB port, which can be used as an audio source. It can be selected in the same
manner as the other sources described in the previous section. Unlike the other sources
we have discussed, however, it also allows the AV7005 to directly control the source. It
even provides an on-screen video interface. Two types of USB sources are supported:
mass storage devices and iPods.
USB mass storage device
can be an external hard drive, a USB memory stick, or
any other disc-based or solid-state computer memory device that has a USB interface.
The AV7005 can only read from mass storage devices that have been formatted as FAT
or FAT32 partitions. This is the standard format for USB memory stick, and it is
commonly used on external hard drives as well. If necessary, large external hard drives
can be formatted to a single FAT32 partition using free tools such as SwissKnife.
The AV7005 can read and play the following audio and image file types:
MP3 audio files (.mp3), including support for ID3v2 tags
32/44.1/48 kHz and 32-320 kbps
WMA audio files (.wma), including support for META tags
32/44.1/48 kHz and 48-192 kbps
MPEG-4 AAC audio files (.aac / .m4a / .mp4)
32/44.1/48 kHz and 16-320 kbps
WAV files (.wav)
32/44.1/48 kHz and 16 bit
FLAC Free Lossless Audio Codec files (.flac)
32/44.1/48/88.2/96 kHz
JPEG image files (.jpg)
Copy-protected WMA and AAC files are not supported. The AV7005’s monitor outputs
(HDMI, component, and composite video) provide an on-screen interface for navigating
the folders, and MP3 file album art will be displayed on screen during playback.
Introduction to Inputs
Marantz AV7005