The Outlaws’ Guide to the Marantz AV7005
Audyssey MultEQ XT Setup – Additional Mic Positions
Review the results on the first Speaker Detection screen. If any speakers are missing,
you should cancel setup and verify wiring and power connections at speakers and
amplifiers before re-starting Audyssey MultEQ XT auto setup.If the results are correct,
select “Next” to begin taking measurements. The AV7005 will then begin taking detailed
measurements at the first listening position.
Audyssey MultEQ XT Measurements
When measurements of the first location are completed, the on-screen display will offer
you two options. The first is to move the microphone to a second listening position and
measure again. If you do that, select “Measure” and the test tones will resume. After the
second location and every location thereafter, you can select to either continue with
additional locations or finish the measurements (“Next”) and start calculating. You can
take measurements at up to eight different locations; we recommend taking
measurements in at least six. After the eighth location, the only options available will be
“Retry” and “Next.” Once you have finished taking all of the measurements, select
“Next” to continue on to the next step. The AV7005 will then begin calculating the
results of its measurements.
Marantz AV7005
Quick Setup Guide