PC-250 Filter control unit operating manual Page: 22 (24
Rinsing valve
When the rinsing valve operating status is displayed in the
line of the service
terminal, it can be switched on or off manually.
1. Once the key has been pressed, the filter unit is switched off and the display
shows the following:
Klarspülventil: AUS
Filterpumpe: AUS
2. Use the key to switch the rinsing valve on, and the key to switch it off. The
filter pump is automatically switched on as well.
3. If you press the key again, the normal diagnosis display appears and the filter
unit continues to operate.
This menu is only accessible for trained osf service technicians
When the language is shown in the
line of the service terminal display, you can
switch between languages for the service terminal:
(The language used for displays or
filter control unit can be selected using the Info key).
1. If you press the key, the following is displayed:
Deutsch English
2. Now use the and keys to change the selected language.
3. If the key is pressed once again the normal diagnosis display is shown.
We hope you have a lot of enjoyment and relaxation in your swimming pool
Subject to alterations!
October 19