The ‘switch plate’ is under the seat area and is the location for several important
items, as follows:
Key Switch:
The key switch turns the power on
and off. When the rider is sitting on
the bike, this is located underneath
them on the right side of the bike.
This location encourages the rider
to turn the key with their right hand.
The key is removable, and should
be removed when the bike is not in
The ‘speed dial’ potentiometer
allows the responsible adult to set
the speed anywhere from 0 mph to
maximum. The position of the
speed dial is deliberately awkward
to get to, and should only be altered
by a responsible adult. A
screwdriver can be used for any
changes. It is important that all
people are away from the bike
during this operation. When
changing the settings make sure
the side-stand is down. After
making a change, push the bike
against the side-stand to raise the
rear wheel. With the power on, turn
the twist-grip throttle fully open to
check the top speed. Bear in mind
that the dial is not completely linear.
Do not guess the settings. Always
check before allowing the rider back
on the bike.
Charger Port:
When it’s time to recharge the bike,
the battery charger connector
attaches to this port. Before
attaching, ensure that the power is
switched to the off position. Please
refer to the battery and charging
section (page 23) of this manual for
more information.
Please Note
: All pictures are of pre-production
prototypes, so could differ from the final
production machines.