S0-738 User Manual PAGE
43-S0-738 User Manual DATE:10-14-2008
ISO 9001 Certified
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MTI Group.
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system from disruption or conflict in a faster restore. RTS / CTS
mechanism for detailed information please see the IEEE 802.11 standard.
RTS threshold system default value for 2346
Beacon interval (beacon interval)
Beacons by the wireless network access point (AP) simultaneously sent
to the wireless network on the data packets. Beacon Interval (beacon
interval): the provisions of the beacons the length of time between
packets (in milliseconds). Beacons at the time frame between the 2-10,
the typical value is 100. System default value is 100 milliseconds.
DTIM interval
DTIM (Delivery Traffic Indication Message) setting. DTM is a countdown
of the second homework, want to inform the next radio broadcast and
multi-client window message. When the wireless network access point
(AP) has been related to the client buffer memory a number of radio
or multiple radio message traffic, it will have to send attachments
under the value of a DTM interval DTM, when the AP client heard beacon
signal when they go to receive the broadcast and multi-broadcast
information. System DTIM interval default is 1.
WDS mode and working mode
Whether the product is set to open WDS mode. Products can work at AP,
client, repeater mode.
Work at client mode and repeater mode must be turned on WDS.
Security Settings