S0-738 User Manual PAGE
43-S0-738 User Manual DATE:10-14-2008
ISO 9001 Certified
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MTI Group.
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Channel configuration
Have 11 channels to choose from. Each AP configuration at a time when
the same channel should not occur otherwise channel interference. Go
through the drop-down menu select the required channel.
Wireless network ID (SSID)
Used to identify users want to connect wireless network ID No.
Fragmentation threshold
Information on it by shortening the length of the transmission of data
to achieve higher reliability, and accordingly selected the most
favorable transmission rate and frame length matching to reduce
transmission time occupied by the network to enhance network capacity
and improve the transfer delay time. This value should remain at the
default settings in 2346. If the packet error rate is too high, you
may be some slight increase your "Fragmentation" value range between
256-2346. Fragmentation value too low will result in reduced efficiency
in the case. System default is 2346
RTS Threshold (Request to send / permit sending protocol)
RTS threshold value of this setting must be maintained at its default
value "2346." If you encounter inconsistent data flow, it is
recommended only be able to at the range of 1-2346 slightly modified
to do. RTS threshold (Threshold) on the establishment of a limit, in
this limit point device sends a RTS packet. RTS: Request To Send
requests to send packets for the wireless LAN to avoid conflict on
the data. Setting this parameter to consider several options if the
value of this parameter set too small, then make RTS packet sent
frequency increased, consume more bandwidth, significantly affect the
other network packet throughput, but the RTS packet sent more frequent