The Behlman INV-1200 series of DC to AC power inverters incorporate the latest in switched
mode power technology to provide regulated AC power from a user supplied DC source. These devices
produce a sinewave output comparable to that which is available from typical utility power. Each model
provides electronic protection along with a high short term overload capacity making them ideal for many
loads requiring large “in-rush” currents. All units are housed in a rugged steel enclosure making them well
suited to operation in industrial applications.
Available options include an AC input bypass and signaling contacts. The AC bypass option is
available in two configurations. The “D1” option favors the DC input and will switch to AC line input in less
than 30ms when the DC input is lost. The second option, A1, will favor the AC line input and will switch to
the inverter in less than 30ms if the line is lost. These features allow the unit to be incorporated into a
user defined back-up power system.
The figure above illustrates a typical application of an INV1200 without the A1 or D1 bypass options.
The figure above illustrates a typical INV 1200 application using the A1 or D1 options.