4. Editor
In addition to serving as a tool for reading braille, Orbit Reader offers the
ability to write and edit text.
This feature allows you to create/edit new or existing files on the SD card.
While you are in the Editor mode, the cursor (dots 7 8) notes the current
position. The default setting for the cursor is 1 second. The blinking of the
cursor can be turned off from the Menu. See
Set Cursor Behaviour
for more information.
Once you exit from the Editor mode (Select, E OR Select, Select), the cursor
disappears, returning you to the Reader in the file you were editing.
If you are exiting from a new file, the editor automatically names the file
with the first 20 characters in the file. If a file already exists with that name,
the Editor appends a number to it until it produces a unique name. To
rename a file or to add an extension to the file name, highlight the file name
in File Manager, and use the Rename command. If there are Computer
Braille characters that cannot be used in a filename, such as a forward slash
(/) or an asterisk (*), the characters are replaced with an underscore (_).
Once you exit, the new file name in the File Manager is selected. If you wish
to rename the file, use the rename command (Space + R). If you want to
give the file a specific name, write that name as the first line in the file.
To insert text, type or paste the text at the cursor. The Editor adds the typed
or pasted text until it reaches the edit size limit, which is approximately
50,000 characters or about 50K of space. You can insert any text into an
open file using the Braille keys (dot 1 to dot 6).
There are three ways to edit a file. Each of these three commands is
available both from the Reader and the File Manager.
Create New File: Space + N
Edit current file: Space + E
Switch to last edited file: Space + dots 1 2 4 6
Context Menu
The Context menu is how you control the Editor. It allows you to find text,
set marks, or exit.
Press Select to open the Context menu. There are two ways to make a
selection from the Context menu after it is open.