Exclusions in the warranty
The limited warranty does not cover:
a) Any motor that has been used in competitions, for racing or for commercial purposes.
b) Breakdowns resulting from the use of non-authentic ORANGEMARINE parts..
c) Breakdowns following a bad repair carried out by a non-professional person.
d) Breakdowns due to the motor falling into the water.
e) Failures as a result of using an improper battery (other than 12 volts).
f) Any repair or replacement required resulting from improper assembly, disassembly adjustments or repairs made by a
professional, but without the prior consent of ORANGEMARINE.
g) Any repair or replacement required as a result of misuse, extreme use, negligence, abnormal or insufficient care.
h) Any repairs or replacements required as a result of modifications, alterations, manipulation of factory settings,
vandalism, fire, accident, theft, impact or abnormal collision.
i) Diagnostic and inspection costs that would not be incurred by ORANGEMARINE or one of its agents.