OPTO 22 AC7A Скачать руководство пользователя страница 27


AC7A/B User’s Guide


The AC7A/B should now be ready to use. After all wiring connections are made, and jumper settings have
been checked, it is time to supply AC power to the AC7A/B. The AC7A requires 115 VAC at 50-60 Hz. The AC7B
uses 220VAC at 50–60 Hz. Once power has been supplied to the AC7A/B, the LED labeled PWR ON should
become illuminated.


The communication LEDs are labeled with respect to the RS-422/485 side of the AC7A/B.

The TX (Transmit) LED will flash when the AC7A/B is transmiting data through its RS-422/485 port (i.e., data is
entering the RS-232 port and exiting the RS-422/485 port).

TX = RS-232 —> AC7A/B —> RS-422/485

The RX (Receive) LED will flash when the AC7A/B is receiving data to its RS-422/485 port (i.e., data is entering the
RS-232 port and exiting the RS-422/485 port).

RX = RS-232 <— AC7A/B <— RS-422/485

The RTS (Request to Send) LED will turn on when the AC7A/B is requesting to transmit data through its
RS-422/485 port. The RTS output tells the other RS-485 device that the AC7A/B would like to send data.

RTS = AC7A/B —> RS-422/485

The CTS (Clear to Send) LED will turn on when the AC7A/B is receiving a CTS signal from another RS-422/485
device. The received CTS signal tells the AC7A/B that the other RS-422/485 device is ready to receive data. In other
words, the received CTS signal gives the AC7A/B permission to transmit data out of its RS-422/485 port.

CTS = AC7A/B <— RS-422/485


Содержание AC7A

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Страница 2: ...1142245 Japanese Patent No 2002535925A German Patent No 60011224 Opto 22 FactoryFloor groov Optomux and Pamux are registered trademarks of Opto 22 Generation 4 groov Server ioControl ioDisplay ioMana...

Страница 3: ...and C 13 Connecting the AC7A B to the Optomux Network 14 Apply AC Power 15 Communication LEDs 15 Installing the AC7A B for use with devices other than Opto 22 s Optomux I O 16 Overview 16 Equipment R...

Страница 4: ...iption 30 Setup 31 Biasing 31 Termination 31 Wiring and Related Jumpers 31 Additional Jumpers 31 Commonly Used RS 232 Signals 32 Using Protective Ground on AC7A B 33 Biasing and Terminating RS 422 485...

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Страница 7: ...RS 422 485 Interface Screw terminals or 9 pin DB 9 female connector Baud Rate Up to 38 400 baud 115 200 baud in Rev L and later RS 232 Distance Up to 50 feet RS 422 485 Distance Up to 5 000 feet at 38...

Страница 8: ...rmation pleasesee AdditionalTechnicalInformation EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION Mediumsizeflat bladescrewdriver Wirestripper Varietyofcolor codedwiresandcables 22or 24gaugetwisted paircableforcom...

Страница 9: ...kedAC onewireperterminal ThepolarityoftheACpowerwireswithrespecttothe ACscrewterminalsonthepowerconnectoroftheAC7A Bdoesnotmatter If using a standard 3 conductor power cord with a three pronged plug i...

Страница 10: ...e 2 3 Standard Straight Through 25 Pin to 25 Pin RS 232 Cable Figure 2 4 Standard Straight Through 9 Pin to 25 Pin RS 232 Cable ItisalsopossibletomakeyourowncableforconnectionsbetweentheAC7A BandanRS...

Страница 11: ...RS 232 Cable made by user Figure 2 6 9 Pin to 25 Pin 3 Wire RS 232 Cable made by user Note Some serial cables that look like standard straight through cables are actually null modem cables The wiring...

Страница 12: ...npin2ononeendofthecableandpin2ontheotherend Thesetwopinsaretiedtogetheronastandard 25 pinto25 pinstraight throughcable Ina25 pinto25 pinnull modemcable pin2ofoneendistiedtopin3of theotherend Ifyouhave...

Страница 13: ...llasrouting options for other pins Detailed information about this is covered later in this manual in Additonal Technical Information If you are using a standard straight through cable to connect the...

Страница 14: ...n9 screw terminalRS 422 485connector GroupBisonthe left and group C is on the right If the AC7A B is being used in a standard Optomux network in either repeat or multidropmode installthejumpersasshown...

Страница 15: ...quipment Thethirdpairoftwistedwireconnects theLOGICGNDterminalontheAC7A BtotheCOMterminaloftheOptomuxdevice Finally theshieldofthethree pairsoftwistedwireshouldbetiedtoearthgroundatonlyoneofitstwoends...

Страница 16: ...when the AC7A B is receiving data into its RS 485 port i e data is entering theRS 485portandexitingtheRS 232port RX RS 232 AC7A B RS 422 485 The RTS Request to Send LED will turn on when the AC7A B is...

Страница 17: ...D FOR INSTALLATION Mediumsizeflat bladescrewdriver Wirestripper Varietyofcolor codedwiresandcables 22or 24gaugetwisted paircableforcommunicationcables 18gaugeforpowerconnections MOUNTING THE AC7A B Th...

Страница 18: ...AC one wire per terminal The polarity of the AC power wires with respect to the AC screw terminalsonthepowerconnectoroftheAC7A Bdoesnotmatter If using a standard 3 conductor power cord with a three pr...

Страница 19: ...ndard straight throughcable Figure3 4showstheconnectionsbetweenanAC7A Badaptercardanda9 pinRS 232 serialportusingastandardstraight throughcable Figure 3 3 Standard Straight Through 25 Pin to 25 Pin RS...

Страница 20: ...in 3 Wire RS 232 Cable made by user Figure 3 6 9 Pin to 25 Pin 3 Wire RS 232 Cable made by user Note Some serial cables that look like standard straight through cables are actually null modem cables T...

Страница 21: ...s is given in Additional Technical Information The terms Transmit and Receive for these two pins both apply from the computer s point of view SETTING THE AC7A B RS 232 JUMPERS FIRST GROUP NEAR THE 25...

Страница 22: ...traight Through RS 232 Cable IfyouareusingaNULLmodemcabletoconnecttheAC7A BtoyourPC youwillneeddifferentjumpersettings ThejumpersettingsforaNULLmodemcableconnectinganAC7A BtoaPC aDTERS 232port areshow...

Страница 23: ...InstalljumpersA D E andGontheAC7A B RemovejumpersB C F and H on the AC7A B If you are using a three wire TX RX and GND RS 232 cable and the RS 232 device does not require hardware flow control but the...

Страница 24: ...Jumpers A through H Schematic SETTING THE AC7A B RS 422 485 JUMPERS GROUPS B AND C Thesetwojumpergroupsarelocatedabovethegreen9 screw terminalRS 422 485connector GroupBisonthe left and group C is on t...

Страница 25: ...12 5pF ft Thefirstpairofwiresisusedforthetransmitline Thesecondpairofwiresisusedforthereceiveline Thethirdpair ofwiresisusedtoconnecttheLOGICGNDoftheAC7A BtotheCOMterminaloftheRS 485device Finally th...

Страница 26: ...4 wireRS 422 485mode Inthe4 wiremodeusestwo twisted pairsofwiring fourconductorstotal areusedforcommunication In4 wiremode onetwisted pairofwiresisusedforthetransmitsignalandtheothertwistedpairofwires...

Страница 27: ...theRS 232portandexitingtheRS 422 485port TX RS 232 AC7A B RS 422 485 TheRX Receive LEDwillflashwhentheAC7A BisreceivingdatatoitsRS 422 485port i e dataisenteringthe RS 232portandexitingtheRS 422 485po...

Страница 28: ...22 485devicethattheAC7A Bwouldliketo senddata RTS AC7A B RS 422 485 TheCTS CleartoSend LEDwillturnonwhentheAC7A BisreceivingaCTSsignalfromanother RS 422 485device ThereceivedCTSsignaltellstheAC7A Btha...

Страница 29: ...sistoensure that DTR pin 20 on the AC7A B s RS 232 connector is not connected If you are using a 25 pin port on the PC thenyou llneedtomakethesethreeconnections Figure 4 1 25 Pin RS 232 Cable for AC7A...

Страница 30: ...eAC7A Basshownbelow Theshadedareasindicatewherejumpers needtobeplaced Figure 4 3 Three Sets of AC7A B Jumpers Finally connectFO toTO andFO toTO ontheAC7A Basshownbelow Figure 4 4 Connecting the AC7A B...

Страница 31: ...theAC7A BRS 422 485transmitter isonlyconnectedtoOptomuxbrainreceivers ThismeansthattheAC7Atransmittercanbeusedwiththedefault configurationofbeingRS 422 ThisconfigurationdoesnotbiastheRS 422link andthe...

Страница 32: ...donlybeinstalledonone AC7A Bonthelink theyshouldberemovedforallotherAC7A Bsonthelink Termination Be sure to apply termination at both ends of the RS 485 link When the AC7A B is configured for 2 wire R...

Страница 33: ...haped DB 25 connectorthatisusedbytheAC7A B A 9 pin connector DB 9 which was first used on the IBM PC AT is also found on many computers The most commonlyusedRS 232signalsaregivenbelow alongwiththeirpi...

Страница 34: ...orDIGITALOFF UnlikeRS 232 RS 485allowsmorethanonetransmitter and or receiver on a single data line These two characteristics are the reason that biasing and termination are requiredonanRS 485communica...

Страница 35: ...lreadyaccomplishedatsomeotherpointontheRS 485line thenthebiasingresistorjumpers shouldberemovedontheAC7A B Insummary anRS 485communicationlinemustbeterminatedatbothendsbyhavingaterminatingresistorplac...

Страница 36: ...stingpurposes temporarilydisconnectanyRS 422 485wiringfromtheAC7A B Next temporarily connecttheTO terminaltotheFO terminal ThentemporarilyconnecttheTO terminaltotheFO terminal Thiswillcreatealoopbackc...

Страница 37: ...sed DTR anabbreviationforDataTerminalReady Thisisanoutputfromthecomputeranditmeansthatthe computerispoweredup andreadytocommunicatewithanotherdevice GND anabbreviationforGroundorLogicGround RD anabbre...

Страница 38: ...erthantheshield forthecommon Four Pair BeldenP N8104 withoverallshield BeldenP N9728 individuallyshielded BeldenP N8164 individuallyshieldedwithoverallshield ManhattanP NM3477 individuallyshieldedwith...

Страница 39: ...38 AC7A B User s Guide APPENDIX A Figure A 1 AC7A B DB9 J2 Connection Pinout APPENDIX A...

Страница 40: ...o22 com When calling for technical support be prepared to provide the following information about your system to the ProductSupportengineer Softwareandversionbeingused Controllerfirmwareversion PCconf...

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