AC7A/B User’s Guide
The AC7A/B should now be ready to use. After all wiring connections are made, and jumper settings have
been checked, it is time to supply AC power to the AC7A/B. The AC7A requires 115 VAC at 50-60 Hz. The AC7B
uses 220VAC at 50–60 Hz. Once power has been supplied to the AC7A/B, the LED labeled PWR ON should
become illuminated.
The communication LEDs are labeled with respect to the RS-422/485 side of the AC7A/B.
The TX (Transmit) LED will flash when the AC7A/B is transmiting data through its RS-422/485 port (i.e., data is
entering the RS-232 port and exiting the RS-422/485 port).
TX = RS-232 —> AC7A/B —> RS-422/485
The RX (Receive) LED will flash when the AC7A/B is receiving data to its RS-422/485 port (i.e., data is entering the
RS-232 port and exiting the RS-422/485 port).
RX = RS-232 <— AC7A/B <— RS-422/485
The RTS (Request to Send) LED will turn on when the AC7A/B is requesting to transmit data through its
RS-422/485 port. The RTS output tells the other RS-485 device that the AC7A/B would like to send data.
RTS = AC7A/B —> RS-422/485
The CTS (Clear to Send) LED will turn on when the AC7A/B is receiving a CTS signal from another RS-422/485
device. The received CTS signal tells the AC7A/B that the other RS-422/485 device is ready to receive data. In other
words, the received CTS signal gives the AC7A/B permission to transmit data out of its RS-422/485 port.
CTS = AC7A/B <— RS-422/485