If you are expriencing intermittent problems com-
pleting transactions
Verify sufficient signal strength. If the “Signal” lights indicate low sig-
nal strength (1 to 2 bars), reposition antenna. Allow a minimum of 5
seconds for the Wireless Gateway to refresh the “Signal” lights after
moving the antenna. If the signal strength is not improved, it may
be necessary to purchase an in-line signal booster. Contact OptCon-
nect at (877) 678-3343 for details.
If the “Signal” lights are flashing, disconnect power from the Wireless
Gateway, wait 15 seconds, then reconnect the power. Allow a few
minutes for the Wireless Gateway to restart. If the “Signal” lights do
not stop flashing after 5 minutes, please call OptConnect at (877)
678-3343 for further assistance.
Check for the presence of any large neon signs, drink coolers, or ice
freezers in the vicinity of the Wireless Gateway. Such machines may
produce interference which can affect the cellular signal. If such ma-
chines are present, reposition ATM and Wireless Gateway away from
these sources of interference.
Common ATM Communication Error Codes
Below is a list of the most common ATM Error Codes associated with Com-
munication to the Host. While this communication is handled solely by
the Wireless Gateway, these errors are most often the result of incorrect
programming in the ATM. After verifying ATM programming and clear-
ing any errors, if you are still experiencing communication problems,
please contact OptConnect at (877) 678-3343 for further assistance.
Common Nautilus Hyosung/Hantle (Tranax) Error
• D
25XX “TCP/IP Communication Lost”: Verify all programming.
Check Ethernet cable for kinks or damage.
Common Triton Error Codes
192 “Communication Error”: Verify all ATM programming.Verify