Strana 24 31. 3. 2016
Used packaging material complies with the requirements for packages specified by Act No.
477/2001 Sb., on Packages and on changes of some other Acts, as amended.
12. Determining the size of the accumulation reservoir
Formula for determining the minimal volume of the reservoir:
Vsp = 15 Tb x Qn (1-0.3 x (QH/Qmin))
Where: Vsp ….. volume of the accumulation reservoir in l
Tb ...…. duration of burning in hours
Qn …… nominal thermal output in kW
QH …… thermal load of buildings in kW
Qmin … minimal thermal output in kW
Dimensions of the accumulation reservoir shall be determined based on the required output and used
fuel. An accumulation reservoir is not necessary if the calculated volume is less than 300 liters.
13. Malfunction measures
Insufficient output of the boiler:
Order a revision of your chimney form a professional company;
Use specified fuel, humidity of which does not exceed the prescribed value;
Make sure the cleaning door is sealed;
Make sure the cleaning opening is closed using the cleaning lid;
Inspect the position of the fire-starting valve;
Make sure the flue is clean;
Make sure that the condensation is not used by low water temperature in the boiler, i.e.
being below the dew point of burnt gases of approximately 50°C;
Clean the boiler.
A high water temperature in the boiler and, at the same time, a low water temperature in the heating
The actual size of the accumulation reservoir shall be determined by the given project